Dj, your with me now!

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Sabrina's black arm starts to spread like a wildfire but she gets through. She ends up finding Dj by the speakers silently sobbing and she grabs him by the arm with her non black arm because that one was hurting her. She dragged him through the studio finding the announcer and handing him Dj "great job Sabrina I knew you were a good choice for this job, now we only have one person left for our team ha ha ha ha" he said "...Russo" Sabrina said beginning to hate saying his name. Sabrina hated saying any name of people that she hated because she now hates Russo and Dj which breaks Dj's heart when he then realizes that she doesn't care about him now. The announcer puts Dj in this chamber and forces him to drink the potion and he obeyed because he was afraid and just did what he was told to do. After he turned into a pig like Sabrina had happen to her before behind his glasses his eyes started to leak tears but black tears, ink like Sabrina had he was really confused. But after he fully turned into a pig and he was ready the announcer put him outside to guard the outside and Sabrina in the Studio again to hunt down Russo. "Dj is with me now" Sabrina says to herself with a big grin on her face. Russo was still in hiding trying to hide from them in a small room he was really uncomfortable in this small room and sad without Sabrina or Dj because they are a team after all and he feels alone in a room by himself and likes having them by his side.Russo still sleeps in this room but he keeps having nightmares about himself being one of those things with Sabrina and now Dj and being forced to work for this guy. He also had some happy nightmare like dreams and they were about Sabrina, Dj and him being together happy and not having to deal with this at all, "why out of all of the days Sabrina would get stuck in the studio with him would it be this day? I am next and I know she is searching for me and if I try to escape I know that the doors are now probably guarded by Dj so I shouldn't try to escape at all, so what should I do, why, why, why would he do this!" Russo said in his mind. He then drifted off into sleep with this nightmares still waking him up but he still tried to sleep.

How the rb battles hosts were turned into pigs (s2, completed!)Where stories live. Discover now