What is the cure for this?

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Peggy goes into where Russo, Sabrina and Dj were staying they were staying in the main studio area. "David- is ack- defeated" Peggy said. Dj and Russo were still passed out on the hosts couch "I don't know what to do they are still like this and I wanna try to wake them but at the same time I wanna let them sleep!" Sabrina exclaimed, Peggy winces in pain "Peggy? What's wrong? Did David get you good?" Sabrina asked "well uh I don't know how to say this without making you upset- but you all did this but David did most of the trouble, but it wasn't your fault because you were controlled by David" Peggy explained. "But we were in those pig bodies doing it but you saved us" Sabrina said while crying tears of sadness mixed with tears of joy "Sabrina why are you upset exactly? I know most of it is from the boys being asleep and your boyfriend being asleep as well, I gotta call Meg as well because she's probably also wondering where Russo is as well but your boyfriend is right next to you but he's just not awake right now" Peggy explains. "I'm upset because I'm mad at David and myself for getting tricked because I got us all into this mess of a situation, why did I even need to go to the studio anyways?" Sabrina said she was really deep in thought "well maybe you needed to go to the studio to plan Rb battles or just to renew some memories from season one" Peggy said "maybe or just to come here because it's a nice place but why was David even here?" Sabrina asks. "Probably because he owns the place but not anymore because I now own it because whoever has this key owns it but you guys should have it" Peggy said "really but we don't take care of it well" Sabrina said she started to cough again but when she coughed she coughed up some blood but dark blood "well yeah the key is yellow right now because I own it but when you all own it it will turn purple, blue and green and I'll help you take care of it and Sabrina we really need to find a cure this is getting worse and out of hand really quickly, you've never coughed up blood before but let me take a look at your blood type I just need to take a little blood from your leg the uneffected part" Peggy explains. "Ok just make it quick I don't want it to hurt for very long" Sabrina manages to get out before the needle was in her leg, she winced in pain at the needle in her leg but she got a brite juice bandaid after she was done to prevent more blood from coming out of her leg and when Peggy looked at the blood in the needle she looked really confused "so your actual uneffected part of your body is a normal blood color let's say inbetween light red and dark red like a happy medium but what you coughed up was really dark red more of like red and black mixed to create that so it's bad" Peggy explains. "Bad?!" Sabrina said coughing normally now "it maybe because of the infection it may have now gotten into your bloodstream it's an after reversed effect from the potion he gave you" Peggy said. "Well we just need to find a cure but I really need to go call Meg over here really fast because she has to know what's going on and I may get Kreek as well because he probably knows as well" Peggy said "alright I'll stay here and watch the boys just in case they wake up" Sabrina said and after she said that she was gone. Russo was kinda looking like he was waking up but nope he didn't he just turned over on the couch Dj started opening one eye but it was a pale green and it wasn't normal Sabrina kept an eye on them though, *with Peggy* "Meg we really need you to come to the Rb battles studio quickly also bring Russo's and your kids if you want it might be good to have them see their dad like this as well but only if you want, Russo is in trouble but I have to explain later because I wanna break the news when you see him" Peggy said to Meg on the phone "I'll be right over, I heard Russo was heading to the studio to see Sabrina before he left but I didn't know that he was still there because he's been gone for two days" Meg explains "so will you be here soon?" Peggy asks "yes I will but I gotta get to my car, I'll be there in a few and I'll also bring the kiddos!" Meg said and then they both said "Cya!" And then hung up. Next Peggy called Kreek, he answered right away "who are you on the studio phone?" Kreek asked. "Hey Kreek, it's Peggy you've probably never met me before but I'm here at the studio for some business, something horrible happened to Sabrina, Russo and Dj your friends so can you please come over here and try to help?" Peggy asked "coming right over you can explain later because it sounds bad" Kreek said and they both said "cya soon!" And hung up on each other and now it's just the waiting game for everyone to arrive, Peggy was back with Sabrina, Russo and Dj now, Sabrina still staring at Dj's open eye. "Why is he not fully waking up?" Peggy asks "well he's blinking his one eye but he's not waking up, should I risk it and use my sword of healing Peggy?" Sabrina asks "no you can possibly die in this condition when using your sword we need to wait until they wake up on their own or try to wake them on our own but you don't wanna do that" Peggy said "we could try but probably we need to wait for Kreek's advice because he probably knows about this but I'm not sure I just keep coughing and my body aches and I have a bad migraine those are my top symptoms right now" Sabrina said. "Good idea Sabrina and thank you for providing your symptoms so I know what's happening to you" Peggy said "your welcome" Sabrina said and then Meg runs through the door and finds the main studio area where Dj, Sabrina and Russo were. "Russo?!" Meg exclaimed her voice cracking a little bit at her grief "ack-" Russo said, he opens one eye his blue eye shines in the bright light. "It looks like he's waking up" Meg said "really? I guess that's progress but what about Dj?" Sabrina asks "I don't know what's happening to him either because his one green eye is open and it's confusing me as well because he's still blinking" Peggy explains "yeah I don't know either, oh and also what's your name?" Meg asks Peggy "oh well my name is Peggy" Peggy said "nice name" Meg said "your name is nice as well Meg" Peggy said "thanks!" Meg said "no problem now back to our problem" Peggy said "yeah, we need to figure out this mystery" Meg said. Russo's other eye opens his and Meg's kids running in the room with tears of joy in their eyes "Russo!" Meg said she goes up to him and kisses his cheek "h-huh what happened?" Russo said sleepily "well it turns out that you fainted but that's what I heard" Meg said his and her kids hugged their dad "so happy your back" Bella one of Russo's kids say "I'm glad your back too Daddy" Ariel another one of Russo's kids say "thanks guys but I'm still feeling horrible I'm just finally awake" Russo said "hopefully you get better, Sabrina has the worst of it though" Peggy said "we are waiting for Kreek" Sabrina said "we need to find a cure and fast because we are maybe losing time" Peggy said and for the time waiting they searched the room. (Sorry glitching and a lot of words so see the next part when I publish it!)

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