Sabrina what's gotten into you?!

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Sabrina's other eye opens it's also dark red, her nails also grow they look like claws now, she loses control of herself and slashed Dj's face. "Ouch, Sabrina what's gotten into you?" Dj said "I don't know! I'm really sorry Dj" Sabrina said. "It's ok, but why are you acting like this and why are your eyes dark red? Peggy is this a side effect of that vile?" Dj asks "maybe it is, I mean it did seem suspicious, also Dj your face is bleeding again let me bandage it a second time" Peggy said and that's exactly what she does, she bandages his face a second time. Sabrina faces the other way "can someone hand me a mirror?" Sabrina asks and Russo finds a mirror for her while Peggy is still wrapping Dj's face "here" Russo said and Sabrina looks into the mirror "I-I look like a monster" Sabrina said "but your not a monster, it's probably just a side effect that Mr P forgot to mention" Dj said "true but i just look dangerous" Sabrina said "you aren't you just lost control of your hands that's all" Dj said. Devoun and Gorg pag enter the room "so guys what's been going on here?" Devoun asks "well Russo, Sabrina and Dj were infected pigs and are now experiencing after effects but Sabrina is experiencing after effects from the vile that Mr P gave us which the effects are weird, all of a sudden she slashed Dj in the face and lost her control on him, so that's why he has bandages all over his face" Peggy explains "so basically what your saying is they are technically feeling infected but without the infected part or the feeling like your not in control part" Devoun said "yes your right Devoun" Peggy said. "But we need to fix this- somehow, mainly the problem with Sabrina because we don't want anyone else getting hurt from her, sorry Sabrina but the only thing I can think of is putting you somewhere not close to anyone" Devoun said "erm no Devoun we aren't doing that, then I wouldn't get to see her at all, let's just say if she can't stay in control of herself then we should do that but in a distance where she can still see me" Dj said. "True I didn't think of that because it's only fair to you, because your her boyfriend after all" Devoun said "yeah it's only fair because we have to make it fair to everyone" Dj said "I agree with Dj we need to make our plans fair" Peggy said. "But how do we fix this" Dj asks "well we could let Sabrina try to calm down, since she seems to only get like that when she's angry about something, like when she scratched my face she was probably angry at the announcer, but it may have been another reason, Sabrina why were you upset?" Dj asks "well Dj your right, and I just wanna feel better and not have to deal with this crap anymore" Sabrina said "but the announcer is dead he shouldn't bother us again" Peggy said "still ptsd could happen and flashbacks could also happen like that's probably why she scratched me" Dj said, Sabrina just shakes her head slowly meaning that she is sorry. "S-sorry Dj I didn't mean to aim for you I was meaning to aim at the wall I just couldn't control my hands" Sabrina finally says "it's ok, it's been a tough few days as well so I understand how you feel" Dj said "mhm,
Just a little overwhelmed as well" Sabrina said. "I understand it's alot that we don't know how to solve" Dj said "but maybe we do know how to solve it, we just need the key which is our brains to think of a way to solve this
Situation" Peggy said "yeah so let's put our brain power to the test, shall we?" Dj said "yes we shall!" Peggy said and the group set up chairs for a meeting to discuss how they were gonna do this.

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