Is Mrs P here?

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They grabbed their adventure gear and set off to the city map they took their cars over there. Sabrina had a purple car and she had Russo, Dj and Devoun and Gorg pag in it because Gorg pag is very small he can fit in Devoun's lap. Peggy had a black car she had Rose, Kreek and Meg in it. It took about an hour to get there, Russo and Dj fell asleep on each other's shoulders (NOT A SHIP just to make that clear.) Gorg pag fell asleep in Devoun's lap "aww Gorg pag fell asleep" Devoun said smiling "aww" Rose said looking at Gorg pag in Devoun's lap "yeah, Gorg pag is adorable" Kreek said "I agree" Meg said. Once they got into the city Peggy and Sabrina parked their cars near each other and everyone got out of the cars "do you know what color the building is?" Sabrina asked Peggy "I barely remember but I feel like it's a faded black, I mean it's an old building so it should be possibly easy to find" Peggy said "I guess we should look inside all of the faded black buildings then" Sabrina said and they began looking. They stopped at this black building with four faded walls and Rose checked the door and it was locked "anyone have a Bobby pin?" Rose asked "I do" Sabrina reaches into her purse and grabs a Bobby pin and hands it to Rose "perfect" Rose said and she picks the lock. They turn on the power in the building and head up to the floor that says "lab number 1" and when they get there they see no one there, then they see a room marked "lab number 2" and go inside it and again no one. They keep this up until they reach the last lab on the floor which was a room that read "lab number 7" and when they went in Mrs P was there, blood on her face she was in front of a mini evil pig which was dead that's why she had blood on her face. "Mrs P?" Sabrina said "oh! People?! I haven't seen people in years, what are you here for?" Mrs P said "well as you can see we are experiencing after effects from the potion that turned us into what I see you experimenting on" Sabrina explains "oh well I've been experimenting on these mini's for a while, it didn't really help their infection at all, I've failed and that's why there's blood on my face and dead bodies in a few test tubes and a bin because I was looking at what's gone wrong" Mrs P said. "But if you can't help then what should we do?" Sabrina asks "well Mr P may be willing to help, but he's kinda turned evil ever since my disappearance" Mrs P said "why don't you come with us then?" Sabrina asks "I can't leave now someone would notice me leave because they are watching me" Mrs P said. "Who is watching you?" Sabrina asks "people that I don't know, they set up security cameras everywhere and are making sure that I find a cure so they can sell it, but here take this and show it to Mr P, and tell him that I'm alive, I'm wishing you the best of luck Sabrina" Mrs P said "um how do you know my name?" Sabrina asks "oh, um I saw you on the TV in here one time when I turned it on, you were on robloxia's news cast, they were interviewing you and other Rb battles competitors and hosts, like you your Russo, Dj and Kreekcraft and Devoun and Gorg pag" Mrs P said. "You have a good memory Mrs P" Kreek said "yeah wow" Devoun said "get me out of Devoun's arms" Gorg pag said but only Devoun could understand him and Devoun listened and put Gorg pag inside of his backpack. Mrs P then gave Sabrina a photo and a wedding ring that was attached to the photo, it was a photo of Mr P and Mrs P with a note on the back saying "Dear Mr P I am alive just stuck in the city, I
Am in a faded old black building that I hope that you can find, I'll love you forever-Mrs P" it was left off on a kiss from Mrs P. "Take that, and I'll just be here, waiting for Mr P to come help me out with this struggle that I'm having" Mrs P said and she leaves them with a bow and a farewell and they then went to the bottom floor again the floor
Where they came in at and then went back to their cars and tried to figure out where Mr P could be. "Where could he be?" Sabrina asks "well he is in a warehouse, that's where I
Heard from him" Peggy said and they went into their assigned cars and headed to a warehouse to find Mr P.

How the rb battles hosts were turned into pigs (s2, completed!)Where stories live. Discover now