We found... something

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They found a vile with a note attached "this is the best I can do right now I'm really sorry but this is all I have I know you had three potions Peggy but I only have one antidote right now I'm trying to get more, I hope you can make a use with this one"-Mr P. "Mr P mentioned... me?" Peggy said "I guess so, Sabrina, you should have it you have the worst of it after all, it may not solve everything but it's what Mr P has given us to solve at least a little bit of the issue" Russo said "but your family cares about you and wants you to feel better" Sabrina said coughing up more blood "Sabrina! I didn't know you were coughing up blood, your dying and all you can do is drink the vile" Russo said, Sabrina stayed silent and stared at Dj, tears start rolling down her cheeks, her cheeks have black tear lines on them from crying. "Sabrina your even crying black tears you need the vile more then we do" Russo said, Sabrina coughs up more blood "your even losing your blood you need the vile, Dj will wake up I promise you, he will be upset even more if you don't take the vile" Russo said and Sabrina takes the vile, she stares at the light purple liquid but then drinks it, her body starts going limp and she sits on the couch "I-I feel better just dizzy and disoriented" Sabrina said, she lays down next to Dj and closes her eyes "rest Sabrina you need it after what you've been through" Russo said. Then Kreek walked into the room "you called the piggy pro, what's going o-" Kreek doesn't finish his sentence he sees Dj and Sabrina passed out on the couch "what happened here?!" Kreek said "well David the announcer happened" Peggy said "oh Peggy your here, do you know why they are like this?" Kreek said "well Sabrina is like this since she just drank the vile that Mr P gave us and I guess it's a side effect of the vile, and Dj is like this because he was turned into a pig and he is better but just was dizzy and fainted, Russo woke up earlier but is still experiencing side effects from the potion that we gave him and that David the announcer gave him and Dj and Sabrina, he gave them all that evil pig potion but we turned them back to normal" Peggy explained "oh so that's what's going on" Kreek said. "Yeah I just explained all of it" Peggy said and she stared at Dj, he still had one eye open but his other eye was starting to open but the other eye was also pale, his eye fully opened up and he sat up on the couch "guys? What happened and why is Kreek here?" Dj said. "Well I'm here to help you guys because now I know what's going on" Kreek said, "how do you think that you can help Kreek, do you know Mr P?" Peggy asked "erm no I don't but I might know someone that can help us with Russo and Dj, Sabrina is technically maybe cured I'm not sure though until she wakes up" Kreek said "who is the person that we need to call?" Peggy asks "Devoun and Gorg Pag, what? It's Georgie's brother and Devoun's best friend" Kreek said "you should go call er them on the studio phone, it's over there" Peggy said and she points to the phone over in the room with the dance dance revolution machine and where they found Sabrina's boppers and Peggy's note. Kreek went over to the studio phone *Kreek on the phone with Devoun and Gorg pag* "Devoun? Gorg pag?" Kreek said when they picked up the phone "aye Kreekcraft my man! What's up?" Devoun asks "well I need your help, Russo, maybe Sabrina we don't know if she's feeling better yet and Dj are all recovering from the piggy infection, you know what Gorg pag went through right? He went through the same thing but more non serious before he became your son" Kreek explained "yeah I get it, I'll be right over, plus I'll bring Gorg pag but he can't talk, but he will just be over for his cuteness mixed with his weirdness" Devoun said with a subtle laugh. "See you when your here!" Kreek said "cya" Devoun said and Devoun hung up and jumped in his car and was on his way over to the studio *back with Peggy* "so is Devoun and Gorg pag coming?" Peggy asks Kreek when he comes back "we'll yes but Gorg pag cannot talk yet" Kreek said "makes sense" Peggy said. Dj stares at Sabrina with a worried look in his eyes, his green eyes shining in the light, black tears start falling down his cheeks and burning his face, he grabs a tissue and after he wipes all of the tears off there are red marks on his face that look like scars. "Ouch- can someone get me a bandaid?" Dj asks and Peggy grabs him a big brite juice bandaid, she grabs two of them and places them on his scars "be careful Dj your tear ducts are full of that stuff and it can injure your face like it just did but the bandaids should stop the blood for a little bit until we need to replace them" Peggy said "yeah it should and I'll be careful and try to stop crying since I don't want this to get worse but I'm just worried about Sabrina because she is risking her life in being Mr P's little test subject with the antidote even though it may have helped I don't like that he's never really tested this type of antidote before, I just don't trust it" Dj said he begins coughing just like Sabrina has had before but he had a normal cough he wasn't coughing up blood yet. "I understand your worried about her but I'm sure she will be fine, I don't really trust Mr P but I trust his wife because I've met her before but right now Mr P is in hiding and probably snuck this antidote in and ran away from the studio back into hiding" Peggy said "you knew Mrs P?!" Dj exclaims "yes I used to work in a lab with her, we were testing cures for Mr P but when something bad happened to Mrs P, Mr P wasn't cured and the cures we made before didn't work at all, Mrs P remained missing we have never seen her, Mr P hasn't seen her either" Peggy explains to Dj and Russo. "So we're you like her allie for a little while?" Dj asked "yes I was until she was lost, she might be in a building somewhere forgetting about me right now, I just have to deal with the weight of it all on my shoulders" Peggy said "yeah you do, I'm truely sorry that you have to go through this alone but you have us" Dj said "yeah I do" Peggy said, she smiles at his words. One of Sabrina's eyes open, but it was an unusual color... Dark Red.

How the rb battles hosts were turned into pigs (s2, completed!)Where stories live. Discover now