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Dj began to sob but was trying to quietly because he didn't want Sabrina to hear and catch him. "Dj?" Russo whispered "huh?" Dj said and even if it's dark Russo can tell that he was sobbing, Russo touches Dj under his eyes because he was wondering what was on his pants because Dj's tears got on Russo's pants a little bit because they are in a tight space. "Dj you know you can tell me what's wrong I know you care about Sabrina" Russo whispers "I-I miss her I just wish she didn't happen to her because I feel so bad for her that this is happening" Dj whispers. "This may happen to us if she finds us in here because it's important to mention that it could happen" Russo whispers "I know it could happen to us as well but I just don't wanna be a pig especially an evil one that wants to defeat the players coming here for the championships!" Dj replies still trying to whisper. Sabrina keeps having a hard time finding them because they are in a secret room but she has a sword and a potion in her hand, getting herself ready to find the boys and turn them into evil pigs like herself for the announcer but she doesn't know about Peggy at all because only Dj and Russo know that Peggy also knows about what the announcer is doing. The place is baron and empty only with Sabrina in the studio, the announcer in his special vip area watched Sabrina creepily looking for Dj and Russo which was quite creepy. Sabrina didn't hear Dj and Russo even if she did now have big ears now that she was a pig, she also had ink falling down one of her eyes and it hurt her so bad that it was hard to see out of her right eye because of the ink or whatever it was. Her arm was also hurting and it was kind of black from the ink that was stained on her arm so she was in pain and Dj knew how much she was in pain. Dj then from a hole in the wall see's Sabrina laying on the couch resting and holding her arm and also holding her eye with her left hand which was the hand with the ink on it. Dj starts to sob louder "Russo go and save yourself I wanna be with Sabrina" Dj says but he accidentally is loud but Russo leaves silently and goes to another small room and is now alone without anyone there he just sobs quietly grieving for his friends losses even if they are still alive but they are technically still gone just controlled...

How the rb battles hosts were turned into pigs (s2, completed!)Where stories live. Discover now