Mini Meeting+saving someone

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Sabrina, Russo and Dj were sitting next to each other, Meg was sitting near Russo and the kids were sitting by Meg. Devoun and Gorg pag sat by each other and Peggy sat by Kreek so they all had their spots and now it was time to talk about the matter at stake. "Sabrina, Russo and Dj are infected but kind of not all the way because for one Sabrina had the cure but Russo and Dj are kinda experiencing things from the non cure because we don't have a cure for them" Peggy said "yeah, but Peggy I know this is off-topic but I just remembered the note that you put in the dance dance revolution machine, you mentioned that you have or had a sister, what happened to her?" Dj asks "well I don't know, are there any other rooms in the studio other then the main one, upstairs, this one and the room with the dance dance revolution machine and the ticket booth?" Peggy asks "well there is one other room which is behind the stage if you wanna check there" Dj said. Peggy heard some stomping back there and then tried to open the door but it was locked "anyone have a Bobby pin?" Peggy asked "I do, here" Meg said throwing Peggy the Bobby pin and she catches it with ease. When Peggy unlocks the door she sees a girl about her age in a chair tied up with a gag in her mouth and she had a black arm similar to Sabrina's, Peggy takes the gag out of the girls mouth and unties her. "Rose?!" Peggy exclaimed. "P-Peggy?" Rose said "your alive?" Rose said "yes and David is dead, I killed him, for you and for the others" Peggy said "the, others?" Rose said looking really confused "let me introduce you" Peggy said "ok let me get out of her" Rose said. And she got out of the chair and walked with Peggy to the meeting area "this is Sabrina, Russo, Dj, Meg, Kreek, Devoun and Gorg pag" Peggy said "nice to meet you all! I'm Rose, Peggy's sister" Rose said, she sounded really hoarse because her voice was fading "you should rest your voice, and try to breathe because I'm sure you've been in there for a while with only David checking on you a few times a day and to give you food" Peggy said "actually I'm starving right now, he barely gave me food, he really just checked on me to remove my gag sometimes to help me breathe for a little bit" Rose said, "we are also starving" Dj said pointing to Sabrina and Russo and they nodded at Dj and Rose. "Well I saw a kitchen in here, maybe there's something in the fridge, if not we have to find a grocery store" Peggy said and then Rose, Sabrina, Dj and Russo and the others got up and went to the kitchen, Peggy checked the fridge "I mean we do have soup" Peggy said "what kind and how many?" Rose asked "well it's chicken noodle and there's five" Peggy said "perfect, but is anyone else starving or hungry right now?" Sabrina asked "I could definitely eat something" Meg said "same" Kreek said "me too" Devoun said "and Gorg pag can't really eat but he can talk still but just doesn't say much" Devoun said "oink" Gorg pag said. "Well we have five tomato soups and five chicken noodle so who wants chicken noodle?" Peggy said "me" Russo, Meg, Sabrina said "I'll have that as well" Peggy said. "Now does everyone else want tomato?" Peggy asks "yes" Devoun and Rose said "alright now we only have one microwave so I'll make mine first and then you all can make yours" Peggy said and that's what they did, they made their food and grabbed waters and ate at the pull out table together. After they ate Russo, Sabrina, Dj and Rose were all talking "you have the same arm thing as me a little bit" Rose said to Sabrina "I mean it's still healing but yeah, you have it worse though" Sabrina said "yeah because we don't have a cure and I basically became David's test subject, he made me put these ink tears on my arm probably from one of his past test subjects or it may have been from you guys, he may have gotten them secretly because you guys don't really remember" Rose said. "No not at all we don't remember" Sabrina said "yeah he made us forget the little things but some big things as well- ACK-" Russo said "Russo?" Meg poked her head out at him "I just got a huge headache, sorry for worrying you guys" Russo said "we care about you Russo, is it still hurting?" Meg asked "well yeah but not a lot" Russo said "oh ok" Meg said. "Hope it feels better soon, maybe because we are kinda still experiencing after effects" Dj said, "yeah but in other news I came up with a plan, Peggy get over here!" Sabrina said and Peggy then dragged Kreek and Devoun over there as well, Gorg pag also came with.
"So what's the plan Sabrina?" Peggy asked "so you kinda know where Mrs P is so we should find her, which
You said that she was in a building so we should go to the city map and try to find her there or plan b if we can't find her we go to Mr p which is in a lab somewhere and if that doesn't work plan c which is a plan I
Am not that much of a fan of but it may work, we
Just go to a scientist and have them try to fix us which wouldn't be the best option" Sabrina explains "yeah true plan c isn't really the best but we will try plan a first because I'm
Absolutely sure that Mrs P can help us if we can find her" Peggy said. "Now let's prepare to leave, adventure awaits!" Peggy said "yeah, let's go!" Russo said
And then they began to get ready!

Authors mini note: sorry for the formatting it's weird writing a story on my phone and typing is weird as well! But I hope you liked this part, more parts coming soon since this is gonna be a long story as you can already tell. If you enjoy the parts
Then vote on them and also read the other parts because there's gonna be a
Ton of refrerences to other parts so hope your reading those before this one,
More parts coming soon! I'm publishing them after I finish a part so stay tuned! Bye my readers 💕

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