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Peggy walks up to the ticket stand "is anyone there?" She asks but no one replies except Russo does find her. "Russo you look- different" Peggy says "well yes and I have to admit you were pretty quick to come here" Russo said "yeah I uh heard from Sam your editor that you guys haven't responded for days- I don't know that for sure though but you do look different" Peggy said and as she said this Russo slashes her face "Russo- why would you do that to someone?! Now something clearly is wrong with you!" Peggy said. She didn't know anything about what happened to them but she now knows that she has to save them- somehow. She finds a key without Russo noticing her again and she opens 2 of the doors that connect to the main studio she sees Sabrina there "Sabrina? Why is your arm- black?" Peggy asks "I don't know what's happening to me" Sabrina said trying to hold back her tears of ink but it was hard for her to hold them back. They are all in weird moods because of the potions effects they are at the same time trying to fight it but are failing to do so, that's why Russo slashed Peggy in the face with his sword after he did that Russo started being like Sabrina with the black arm because the ink tears spread to his arm because he touched his arm. "Your not ok Sabrina you really need to rest your arm" Peggy suggested "NO I will not rest I can't rest until I protect this area from you and the other players" Sabrina said sounding forced to say it they all sounded forced but Sabrina was the main one that the announcer was forcing to say these words. Sabrina then slashed Peggy in the face like Russo did, Peggy was in pain and bleeding alot but she had bandages in her bag so she put them on herself because she brought them just in case they needed them. Sabrina then wiped her tears again and accidentally touched her other arm so it started to spread like wildfire on the other arm, her arm was weak so she dropped her blade. She began limping to the couch because it was spreading all about her body "ugh- why does this have to happen to me-" Sabrina said "you need to rest Sabrina and I'm not kidding your going to die without rest" Peggy said and at that Sabrina lays down on the couch, she was way to weak to do anything for the announcer anymore so she basically just gave up now and her true self is kind of giving up fighting for her to come back to her normal self but it's not losing hope! Peggy then begins searching the room for a cure but can't find one at all so she goes to where Dj is and avoids him because she can tell from the way he looks that the same has happened to him so she searches the town trying not to get caught by Dj. She finds thousands upon thousands miles upon miles of stores but none are potion shops so she has to go back to the studio, sneaks past Dj and Russo again and goes up to where the announcers office is to find some sort of cure for them all "what if it doesn't solve everything? What if Sabrina and Russo's arms and legs are still like that? Maybe we could find another way to cure that but I don't know if this will solve everything but it should" Peggy thinks in her mind. It turns out that the announcer is working so Peggy has to be really careful, she sneaks around quietly over to this safe that is on a table and it has a 4 digit code so she has to find it, it's in this room and she knows that because on the box it has a note that says "code is in this room please find it it's easy to find" and so Peggy checked the walls and found a number on the chambers walls it was a number 9 and she then found a number on his desk which was a 8 and then she found a number on another wall and it was a 7 and then she found another number and it was a 3 so the code was probably 9873 she tried it and it worked. In the safe were 3 bottles, a purple bottle which was for Sabrina, a blue bottle which was for Russo, and a green bottle which was for Dj. But before she could even take them for Russo Sabrina and Dj the announcer turns toward Peggy but Peggy knocks him down with her hardcore skills and takes the bottles before he can even get up. She then goes downstairs where Dj and Russo are and she holds them down while she gives them the cure she had to hold them down because they didn't want to be normal again. Their ears, tail and eyes went back to normal except Russo's arm was still black but it was only one arm. "Wha- what happened?" Russo asks "Sabrina and the announcer happened" Peggy said "oh well all I remember is Sabrina taking me up to the announcers office" Russo said "I remember the same thing that Russo does" Dj said. "I gotta go save Sabrina with the last potion that I have" Peggy said "can I come with you please I wanna see Sabrina-" Dj asks "sure I know you care about her" Peggy said and Russo stays behind and sits on one of the benches staring at his arm thinking of what anyone could do to fix this. When Peggy and Dj get into the main studio they see Sabrina coughing up the same ink that she has on her arm and also has spreading to her legs and other arm. Dj starts to worry sick about her because she looked awful, Peggy gives Sabrina the potion that fixes her infection but it only fixed 2 things 1 that she was being controlled and 2 that she was a pig because her pig ears, tail, nose and eyes turned back to normal but her black arms and coughing didn't stop at all, the black ink stopped spreading though but she was still in pain and Peggy was still in pain from the 2 slashes of a sword and dagger.

How the rb battles hosts were turned into pigs (s2, completed!)Where stories live. Discover now