6. Honored me

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'Pardon me,' Ned said trying to get around Jaime.

'I hear we might be neighbors soon' Jaime said blocking his way. 'I hope it's true'

'Yes the king has honored me with the offer' Ned said still trying to get around him.

'I'm sure we'll have a tournament to celebrate your new title if you accept. It would be good to have you in the field the competition has been stale,' Jaime told him

'I don't fight in tournaments' Ned informed him

'No? Getting a little old for it?' Jaime teased

'I don't fight in tournaments when I fight a man for real, I don't want him to know what I can do.' Ned told him

'Well said.' Jaime told him grinning.

'Excuse me,' ned said again walking off but Benjen grabbed his arm.

"Mind if I sit with you?" Jae asked nodding to the spot next to Arya. She nodded bored. "Not a fan of feasts or the royals?" Jae mused.

"Either, both." Arya agreed.

"I'm sure this is nothing like you are used to." Theon remarked. "Quite bland right?"

"Better company here." Jae corrected and Robb snorted a laugh. "Well, not everyone." Jae agreed. Sansa forced a smile as she sat beside Jae. "Don't you look lovely." Jae remarked.

"Thank you, Jae." Sansa whispered back.

"What's wrong?" Jae questioned gently.

"I just got some not so good news." Sansa whispered leaning into him. Jae looked down at her with a sigh as he wrapped an arm around her.

"The capital is beautiful." He remarked. "Think of all the people you will meet, the friends you can make." Sansa shrugged.

"Mother wants me to make a proper introduction with the queen." Sansa remarked.

"Oh?" Theon mused. "Take Gatsy, the queen has a soft wet spot for him." Theon remarked.

"Theon," Jae tsked. "I hope better of you, lad." Theon's laugh died off quickly.

"Does the queen..." Sansa began before stopping herself.

"We are friendly." Jae offered. "I have been told im quite sociable." he added. "I could come with you, if you want." He offered.

'Ned!' Benjen declared "You at a feast -- It's like a bear in a trap.' Benjen remarked.

'The boy I beheaded. Did you know him?' Ned questioned softly.

'Of course I did. Just a lad. But he was tough, Ned. A true Ranger.'

'He was talking madness. Said the Walkers slaughtered his friends.' Ned told him.

'The two he was with are still missing.' Benjen remarked

'A wildling ambush.'

'Maybe. Direwolves south of the wall. Talk of the Walkers. My brother might be the next Hand to the king." Ned huffed out a breath. "Winter is coming.' Benjen reminded him.

'Winter is coming.' Ned agreed. "You see gatsby?"

"Jon said he was here." Benjen agreed "But I havent-' his eyes scanned around. "Oh that girl is smitten with Jae still." Benjen declared.

"Robert wants her and Joffrey wed." Ned murmured.

"Well it was only a fantasy." Benjen mused. "She will get over her crush once she spends more time with the prince."

"Doubtful." Ned countered.


"Is this your first time in the North, Your Grace?' Catelyn asked in desperation to make a good impression on the royal family.

'Yes. Lovely country.' Cersei said blandly though, she was psychically cold and it had been a moons travel for a man she didnt know or trust. Ned looked the type to go digging for trouble.

'I'm sure it's very grim, after Kings Landing. I remember how scared I was when Ned brought me up here for the first time.' Catelyn went on as Sansa and Jae approached the front table and smiled shyly up at Cersei.

"Gatsby," Cersei said fondly.

"Your grace." He answered politely as he put a hand on Sansa's back urging her to take another step forward.

'Hello, little dove. But you are a beauty. How old are you?' Cersei questioned and Sansa's little heart fluttered

'fourteen, Your Grace.' She answered reaching a hand back hooking her finger with Jae's.

'You're tall. Still growing?' Cersei questioned

'I think so, Your Grace.' Sansa said confused.

' And have you bled yet?' Cersei questioned and sansa stared at her mother clearly discomfited by the questioned but Catelyn nodded for her to answer. Sansa swallowed the lump in her throat as she took a small step back into Jae.

'No, Your Grace.' Sansa told her, Cersei nodded stiffly.

'And your dress. Did you make it?' Cersei went on and Sansa was to nervous to speak she nodded. 'Such talent. You must make something for me.' Sansa nodded again before looking to Jae.

"Have a lovely evening your grace." Jae added as he led her back.

"I made a fool of myself." Sansa whispered.

"You did not." Jae corrected.

"Why would she ask that?" Sansa whimpered staring up at him. Jae offered her a small smile and then it registered. "I don't even know him, I don't... I don't want to... with him." Sansa whispered.

"Plenty of time for falling in love." Jae assured brushing a strand of hair behind her ear.

"And if I never love him?" Sansa whispered knowing her heart had been long since set on Jae Gatsby.

"Since when are you a glass half empty gal?" Jae mused.

'I hear we might share a grandchild someday.' Cersei said turning to Catelyn

'I hear the same.' Catelyn agreed hopefully.

'Your daughter will do well in the capital. Such a beauty shouldn't stay hidden up here forever.' Cersei told her confidently.

When sansa and Jae got back to the table she caught Joffrey staring at her and blushed turning back to her plate. Jae chuckled as he moved across the room seeing Benjen. Sansa stared after him as Arya flipped food across the table and onto Sansa's face.

'Arya!' Sansa shouted wiping the mashed potato away. Jae turned back around as Robb laughed out. Catelyn signaled a laughing Robb to deal with the girls. He wiped the smile off his face as he hoisted up Arya.

'Time for bed.' Robb declared.

"What?" Arya whined as he picked her up.

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