34. Not Ideal

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'I hate this," Sansa whispered. "I dont pray anymore." she admitted. "Yet we come here and listen to a man that doesnt listen to us and our needs." 

"I know its... not... ideal." Jae whispered as the septon finished up his message. "But its..." Jae sighed, he tried to think of the last time he actually prayed himself. "Its over." Jae realized as he helped her up. 

They were walking back from the sept when the townspeople started complaining that they were hungry begging the king for help. Joffrey ignored their pleas but then they started throwing dung at him. He became furious very quickly. Jae heard Joffrey screaming to kill them all sandor scooped up the king bringing him quickly back to the palace, the royal family behind ushered in quickly. Sandor dragged in Joffrey but Tyrion looked around for Jae and sansa but they nowhere in sight.

'Where is she? where is she? where is Sansa?' Tyrion questioned. Joffrey ignored him his own head spinning from the almost attack. 'If she dies you never get your uncle Jaime back and he did a lot for you!' Tyrion reminded Joffrey. But he ran away scared. 'take some men and go find the stark girl and-' tyrion demanded.

'I don't take orders from you imp, I take them from the king.' Meryn spat. Sandor stomped back outside.

"This is it we could run!" Sansa declared. Jae looked around at the mob of people, most were running towards the gates not away. "Jae, is this it?" Sansa whimpered as he pulled her aside, keeping her from the madness. 

"Hey pretty," Sansa flinched holding tight to Jae. "Come on man, share." 

"Turn yourself right around." Jae corrected pulling his blade free.

"Share, you fancy lords have too much, we will give her back, a little bloody but-" Jae had heard quite enough as he skewered the mans throat. 

"Anyone else have something to say?" Jae questioned as one man lay bleeding out choking for breath. 

"Jae," Sansa whispered gripping tight to his shirt, "We can go, run..." Jae nodded looking for a good exit when Sandor came up behind them. He put a large hand on Jae's shoulder. 

"Clegane, good to see you again, you didnt see us?" Jae offered. 

"Come on. Back to your cage." Sandor corrected. Sansa's feet were rooted in place. "You want to get caught?" Sandor questioned. "That it? Because you will and then what? She dies, you die. You want to die Gatsby?" Sandor questioned. 

"He's right, we would be caught." Jae agreed softly. "Come on, lets get back." Sansa sighed, refusing to let go of Jae as they headed back. 

''Little birds fine see her back to her cage,' sandor remarked nudging Sansa forward. 

'Good work Clegane, Jae...'' Tyrion said looking over Jae and Sansa confused. 

''I didnt do it for you.' Sandor remarked glancing back at Jae. "You used to be smarter." He added. 

"You used to be meaner." Jae countered as he led Sansa back to her chambers. 

"I thought they were going to kill us, they would have killed me if you werent there." Sansa was still shaken up about what happened earlier.

"Try not to think about it, you are safe now." Jae remarked, Shae scoffed. 

"They hated us. That man. He doesn't even know us but I saw it in his eyes. He hated us. He never met us before but he wanted to hurt us." Sansa had never been hated by anyone in Winterfell, she was loved. But these people wanted to rape her and kill her. If Jae wasnt there she would have been dead or bleeding out, she knew that with complete certainty.  Sansa's head was spinning, trying to make sense of everything. 

"You are everything he will never have. Your horses eat better than his children." Shae remarked. 

"It doesn't matter now. He's dead..." Jae reminded them. 

"I would have given them bread if I had it. I hate the King more than any of them." Sansa remarked but Shae hushed sansa quickly.

"You must not say that." Shae told her sternly. "If the wrong people heard you-" Sansa cut her off though.

"But you and Jae are not the wrong people." Sansa reminded her.

"Don't trust anyone. Life's easier that way." 

Sansa didnt like the way Shae's gaze shifted to Jae as she said it. 

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