3- Joking

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"I found you," I purred through the walkie, seeing him writhe slightly. I watched as his boots moved, and he showed me where he had hidden. I moved away from the rifle, looking, seeing how far away he was.

"Kluges Mädchen... (smart girl)" He admitted, walking his way back up. I laughed, "Only because you gave me a buffer. How much time did I have left?"

"3 seconds. I was going to count you down but I felt like I was moving too much.

"Yeah, that's how I found you. Your boots were sticking out. I watched you move when I said I found you," I stated.

"Oh," He blushed, "Yeah, I move too much to be a sniper."

"That's why you're not the sniper on this mission?" I inquired.

He sadly nodded, and I could tell it was a sensitive topic.

"I wanted to be one but they told me I was too big and too squirmy to," He sighed, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm sorry buddy. I know it must have been a downer to hear that," I patted him gently on the back.

"Danke (Thank you)," He whispered. I always struggled to comfort my teammates. Ghost didn't really like being touched, Soap wanted to 'let loose' as he says, and Price would go off and chain-smoke his cigars. I didn't want to overstep another boundary with König. After a brief pause, he turned his head toward me again.

"Your turn. You've got a minute to hide and I've got 5 to seek," His smile was evident through his voice. I immediately booked it after grabbing the walkie and handing him the rifle. I searched and searched until I decided a downed tree would be my best bet.

I hid behind it, hearing his voice slowly count down.

"3... 2... 1... 0," He gently spoke, counting down the last seconds I had. I felt fear course through my body as I watched the laser swipe past me. I gulped, keeping still not daring to move.

"You're good, but you will not defeat me," He spoke with triumph through the walkie. I debated taunting him, slowly reaching for the walkie.

"And if I do?" I whispered. Silence followed for a moment.

"You can... watch me undress again."

I jerked up, exposing my position, looking at König with wide eyes. "I can WHAT?" I yelled into the walkie, my face burning.

"Found you," He cackled as I sat there in shock. I touched my cheeks, feeling the heat radiating from them. The back of my neck burned against my shirt. I pulled myself up the hill, hearing König still chuckling away. He looked up at me from the ground, going into another giggle fit.

"You did that on purpose," I huffed, crossing my arms.

"It worked better than expected," He admitted, wiping tears from his eyes. I scoffed, offering my hand to him. He took it and I helped pull him up.

"What's the plan now?" I asked once he had calmed down.

"Don't you owe me now sergeant?" König teased. I thought about it. I did lose the bet.

"Sure, what do I owe ya?"

"I'm keeping it. For later," He stated, nodding to affirm he was sure. I laughed quietly, "I guess it doesn't expire then."

We made our way back to the base, asking each other where we were from and how we ended up there. König seemed to skip over most of his childhood, but I couldn't exactly blame him. I began asking him little icebreakers like favorite colors, foods, seasons, and other things. I've always thought that someone's answers to such trivial things could tell you so much about them.

Once we reached back to the base, we separated ways, I decided to shower while König went off to talk with Price. I walked past Soap and Ghost in the rec room, holding their conversation.

"Hey, Y/n! How'd practice go with König?" Soap inquired. I smiled, remembering his playfulness.

"Wonderful actually," I giggled, making my way to my room to grab clothes.

"What are you all giggly about, lass?" He called, but I ignored him.

I just grabbed a few things to lounge in from my room, the mud on my clothes slowly starting to give me the ick. I hopped out of my room, bumping into a chest.

"Oop, I'm sorry, didn't see you there." I blindly responded, not paying attention to who it was.

"Y/n. Wa-wait," König's voice met my ears. I hummed, lifting an eyebrow. He did his little thing, shifting his weight from foot to foot.

"... Where are the showers?" He looked down at himself, caked in mud as well.

"See Soap's room?" I pointed. "Just down the hall right past it. I'm hoping in there now but I shouldn't be too long." He nodded, eyeing me. I could see him debating on saying more. However, he turned on his heel, going into his room and shutting the door with haste.

König's POV

I shut my door behind me, feeling my heart bang around my rib cage. Something about her left me wanting more. I can't help but stare into those gorgeous eyes. She's so kind, letting me explore the place, and listening to me even when I'm slow at explaining. So understanding. I huffed, locking my door and ripping off my sniper hood. I glanced into the mirror, my dull grey eyes staring back at me.

"No, König. No one is ever kind to you without ulterior motives," I whispered to myself, feeling my eyes water. I sighed, throwing my sniper hood back on. No one is ever truly kind. No one. I could feel my chest start to heave and before I knew it, tears began flowing from my eyes. I quietly sobbed, begging for it not to be true. For her to be kind toward me, not for her benefit, but just because she decided to.

I could hear a soft knock at my door. "König? It's Y/n." Her voice sweetly rang through my room. I wiped my tears, stood up, and walked to the door. I unlocked and opened it and saw her standing there, holding a towel in her hands. Her eyes searched mine, concern spreading across her face.

"You okay?" She asked, tucking the towel under her arm. I could feel my bottom lip quiver and slowly shook my head. I moved out of the doorway, letting her in.

Touch in the Dark- König x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now