Bonus Chapter #1 (NSFW)

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"I can't help but want you," I admitted, my breath heavy between words. "I crave you." I leaned toward him.

"Oh, Gott... Bitte mehr, (Oh god, please more.)" He whined, his grey eyes begging.

"My mind has been racing. Needing your hands to... to..." My voice escaped me as I heavily breathed. He gripped my thighs, pulling me farther up his lap.

"König... may I?" I whispered, softly tugging on his sniper hood. He nodded, gently pulling it up to his nose. His lips set slightly parted as his chest heaved, his body shaking under mine. His teeth sat crooked in his mouth, a gnarly scar across his lips, leading to his nose. Black stubble was sported across his chin, leading to small sideburns. His jawline was harsh and sharp, his adam's apple proudly pronounced on his neck. I could feel him tense as he sat under my gaze. I touched his jaw gently, feeling him lean his face into it.

"Such a beautiful boy," I whispered, running my thumb across his lips and scar. His breath hitched, his eyes staring at me with lust and need.
"Please, again," he begged, trembling under my touch.
"That's a good boy. Such a pretty boy. My pretty boy, hm?" I purred, gently placing my lips against his neck. I could feel him panting, his cock pushing against my thigh through his boxers. He nodded, moans slipping out of his mouth slowly as I made it to his adam's apple. I traced my tongue over it, gently kissing it.

"Scheiße, so so- ah fuck- good," he whimpered, his nails digging into my thighs. I giggled softly, trailing kisses up to his lips. I hovered my lips above his, waiting to make sure it was comfortable. I felt him push the back of my head lightly, pushing our lips together. I couldn't help but moan into the kiss, König's want racing through his body. Our lips interlocked as things got more passionate. I could feel his hands shaking as they gently roamed my body.
"Don't be shy," I smirked, guiding his hands to my ass.
"Ah, Scheiße..." He groaned, gripping my ass tightly. I lifted my lips off of his trailing back down to his jaw line. I noticed his face was burning red as he desperately grabbed onto me. I giggled, he melts at every word, every touch, every kiss like jello.
"What if I went lower with these kisses, hm?" I asked him, trying to get consent before pushing his boundaries.

"How low?" He breathed, his eyes staring at me with a dangerous amount of lust, want, and a little confidence.
"You wanna find out?" I smirked, slightly moving my hips against his boxers. He immediately groaned letting out a string of German, throwing his head back. He looked back up at me and nodded.
I slowly worked my way down, kissing on his neck, leaving a few love bites that left him panting and begging. I continued my way down, shifting to my knees, my lips gently pressing against his inner thighs. His hands tangled in my hair, begging and moaning as my lips moved closer and closer to the edge of his boxers.

I sighed softly, feeling myself start to tremble as my hands reached for his underwear. I looked up to him for approval, getting a nod. I slowly slipped my hands under the gap in his boxers, gently pulling his cock out. He threw his head back, groaning and moaning in desperation. I slowly wrapped my hand around his dick, moving it up and down his shaft. Holy shit, he is huge.

"Someone is really concentrating, hm?" His voice filled my ears, a smirk placed on his lips. I swallowed harshly, feeling my cheeks burning.

"I-I didn't expect you to.." I glanced down at his cock before looking back up into his gunmetal grey eyes. His smirk shifted into a smile and he leaned forward, his sniper hood slipping back over his mouth again. He gently grabbed my face, making me look at him.

"Just think," he purred through his teeth, "every bit of this is yours." I gasped, heaving air through my lungs like it was the last time I'd get it. I immediately pressed my lips against his tip, slowly letting my tongue roam around it.

He gasped, "Ah-okay, fuck that is good!" I smirked, using my mouth to my advantage. I slowly made my way down, deepthroating his cock. He desperately moaned my name, ever so slowly moving his hips. I couldn't help but gag, pulling back and coughing, trying to keep from throwing up.

"Are you okay? Im sorry I didn't mean to push you like that-"

"No, I liked it," I admitted, gently rubbing my throat. I moved back, just letting my tongue swirl around his cock, hitting sensitive spots along the way. His moans filled my ears like bird song in the morning. His hands gently guided my head as I felt his thighs twitch from pleasure.

"Please, I'm getting there," he moaned. His eyes locking with mine. "Let me fuck you senseless."

I paused, feeling my body tremble from his words, nodding. I could immediately feel my legs weaken under my body. He helped me up, guiding me from the chair to the bed. He gently laid me down, pinning my body down against the bed.

He placed his lips next to my ear. "I'm going to fucking destroy you." I groaned, closing my eyes, the breath leaving my lungs.
"Let me take care of you, mein bär (my bear)."

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