8- Movement

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A/n: slight nsfw/fluff

I woke up with a start, a nightmare blending into reality. I could feel myself panting, glancing at the clock. It was about 2 in the afternoon. I sighed, pulling myself out of bed. My sleep schedule was fucked now and I've got to fix it before it gets worse. I made my way out of my room, leaving behind my demons for the time-being. I walked into the rec room, seeing König comfortably on the couch, knocked out cold. I stared for a minute, a soft smile appearing on my lips. He looked so peaceful resting. He tucked himself into the corner of the couch, pulled up close against himself, his head resting against the back of the couch, still decked out in his gear.

I gently sat on the couch, trying my best not to disturb him. I stared at him again, the black eye paint smeared across his eyes. I could feel his warmth just from sitting next to him. I softly sighed, not wanting to bother him, and pushed my head back. My own eyes still felt tired, yet I couldn't get back to sleep.

"Do you want to come here?" König's voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked over at him, seeing his grey eyes stare me down. I hesitated, surprised by the sudden confidence. I nodded, him shifting his body, allowing me to decide how to lay. I placed my head on his chest, hearing his heart pound around in his rib cage. I threw my leg over him, laying on my side. I let my bad arm over his stomach, my hand wrapping around his waist loosely. I could just hear his heart pick up and I made myself comfortable, relaxing into his body.

König's POV

I can't believe I said that! And she took it?! She gently laid herself against me, wrapping her cold body against mine. Within minutes I could hear her softly snoring, out again like how she was in the helicopter. I gently let my hand play with her hair, careful not to interrupt her slumber. I sighed, still unable to believe this was happening.

Soap walked in, stretching his arms out, suddenly stopping once he witnessed me holding her.

"What are you doing?" He stated, seeming pissed off.

"Letting her sleep," I whispered, looking down to make sure Soap wasn't bothering her. He glared at me, crossing his arms.

"She's not yours. Don't get comfortable," He growled, raising his voice. I glared at him, pulling her closer to me as if she was slipping away.

"Du entscheidest dich nicht, (You don't decide.)" I barked, holding her close to my chest. I felt her shift under me and took a deep breath calming down.

"Don't think I don't know what you're doing. She's mine, lad," Soap remarked, walking into the kitchen part of the room, grabbing something, and then leaving outside. I felt her move again, adjusting herself more on top of me. There is no way I will let Soap have you. You are mine. I will protect you.

Y/n's POV

I slowly woke up, feeling my hair being gently messed with and incoherent words being softly spoken to me. I decided to sit still and soak it in, slowly realizing it was the Austrian. I gently lifted my head, startling him. I stretched, the pain in my arm biting me.

"How did you sleep?" He whispered, his face flushed red.

"Like a rock," I laughed. "I haven't slept like that in years." I glanced around, finding a clock that read 3 am. Guess I fixed my sleep schedule. I looked over at him, my leg still over his body, noticing him slightly trembling.

"Whatcha shaking for?" I asked, slightly smirking. I could assume probably due to the physical contact but I wanted to hear it. I could hear his breathing pick up, and he stammered thinking of something to say. I pulled myself off of him and leaned into his ear.

"You are cute," I purred, hearing him let out a slight whimper. God, he's so distracting. I leaned towards his mask, placing a soft kiss where his cheek would be.

"You know that favor you owe me?" He inquired.

"I do."

"I'm using it," He stated, his eyes filled with a slight bit of confidence and lust. I chuckled, placing my hand on his chest.

"How so?" I asked, leaning in and making eye contact.

"Come to my room. Please," He begged, his chest pounding and heaving. I paused, my face burning with embarrassment.

"Show me the way," I sheepishly spoke, following him to his room. He kept it pretty neat in here. But I wasn't focused on that. No, I was focused on his movements, watching him slowly remove his gear, leaving himself just in a t-shirt and his pants. I was still just wearing a pair of shorts and a tank top. He opened his arms, and I walked into them, him gently picking me up. I wrapped my legs around him gingerly, his arms under my butt, supporting me.

"I like this angle," I laughed, seeing his eyes sparkle.

"Ich mag dich, (I like you.)" He whispered, setting me down on his bed gently. He got me in here but he was so afraid of making the first move. I took a deep breath, climbed into his lap, and pushed him down onto the bed. I could hear him beginning to pant as I sat on top of him, his hands sitting on my bare thighs. I leaned down, bracing myself on top of him, my hair slightly getting in my way.

"You gonna let me kiss you or what?" I smirked, feeling his hand slowly drift off my thigh and he lifted his mask to his nose. His lips were slightly agape, and his teeth sat crooked in his mouth. He had some black stubble across his chin leading into some soft sideburns. He also had a gnarly scar that went from his chin, stopping at his nose across his lips.

"God. What a pretty boy," I praised, listening to him let out a soft moan from my comment.

"Please, more." He trembled under me, his cock gently bumping against me through his pants. I slyly adjusted my hips, listening to him groan and bite his bottom lip, gripping my thighs. I gave a small laugh, leaning over and placing my lips on his. He relaxed into the kiss, pulling me as close to him as possible. He held me so desperately, as if he let go I would disappear. I pulled away from the kiss, just listening to him groan and whimper.

"Such soft lips," I commented, kissing my way down his face onto his jawline.

"Scheiße, please," he moaned, nudging my head down toward his neck.

Touch in the Dark- König x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now