16- Lies

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"They're in Russia?" Price seemed surprised, it slowly turning into frustration.

"Yes, sir. Where we're going next. Things seem to be adding up a little too well. I'll do some deeper digging to make sure he's not lying." I spoke through the phone, pacing around.

"How'd you get that out of him so quick? He wouldn't negotiate with me. A bit."

"A side you've never met came out. I left my home for a reason. Brings out another side I don't like," I muttered, stopping and peering out the windows of the building we were in. Wires had taken a break to discus matters with someone. The boys had decided to go stalk him and see what was happening while I talked with Price.

"Just-I'll confirm the truth, and we'll get our asses back toward a military base and get shipped back home. I've got to go." I hung up the phone, hearing Price say something but I slammed the flip phone closed. A set of footsteps reached the door, hesitating for a moment before swinging open. Wires stood at the door a tired expression across his face. He held a stack of papers in his arms, and quietly passed me and set them onto his desk. He looked back up at me and snorted.

"Fuckin' Brit," He whispered, his hand reaching for a knife and swinging it toward me. I took a wide step back, seeing the fire in his eyes.

"Stop before this gets out of hand," I warned, jumping back as he seethed through his teeth.

"I don't take commands from your type. I don't care, I am a hero. Hassan will save us all!" He jumped toward me. I sighed, not wanting to get into hand to hand combat. He shoved me, pushing me out of the room and into the hallway. I grabbed a knife from my thigh harness, adjusting myself into a comfortable stance. This is just like at the base, but my life matters here. Wires took a wide step with a long swing, barely missing me. I continued to backup.

"I don't want to hurt you. Don't make me," I growled as he continued to push forward.

"Ain't nothin' you can do little girl," He cackled. I cringed at the name, deciding to go on the offensive. I closed the distance, swiping my leg under his knocking him to the floor. I could hear more footsteps approaching as I struggled to get the knife away from Wires. My hearing and vision fogged as I struggled against him, trying to push his arms down and prevent him from harming me. I saw a figure on my right slowly take over for me and push me off. I sat on the ground nearby, panting as the figure disarmed Wires, flipping him in his stomach and tying his arms behind him.

"Y/n..." The ringing slowly quieted.

"Y/n! Are you okay?" Soap's crystal blue eyes met mine, concern laced in his voice.

"Yeah," I answered, feeling my body shake. Soap rushed into a hug.

"I saw you fighting against him in the floor with the knife and you were shaking so much. I was so worried that you got hurt or that he was going to get you." Soap pulled away still having me in a small embrace.

"No, I'm alright," I managed a laugh. I could see his lips form a small smile. His hands moved from my back to my face.

"Soap what are you-" His lips slammed against mine. My eyes widened in shock as I felt disgust. I blinked hard, in disbelief before hearing a harsh gasp and a low growl. I opened my eyes, feeling Soap remove himself from my lips.

"I'm sorry, I had to," He whispered as I opened my eyes again, staring in disbelief. I looked over and saw König's wide eyes and taken aback stance. Ghost stood next to him, his arms crossed and a heavy glare across his eyes. Uh oh.

"It's not what it looks like," I laughed awkwardly, seeing König's expression change to anger. He marched over to me, pushing Soap out of the way and picking me up by my collar and slammed me against the wall. I shook with fear, his eyes reflecting a completely different person.

"What the fuck! Meine ich nichts?! Du manipulative Schlampe! (Do I mean nothing?! You manipulative bitch!)" He bellowed as Soap picked himself up, grabbing Wires as everything unfolded. The one thing about König was no one could stop him when he was determined. I clawed at his hands around my collar, my air struggling to flow.

"K-K-König," I mustered, desperately trying to breathe. I felt his grip tighten before loosing as he roughly dropped me. I hit the floor with a thud, coughing and gasping. I suddenly felt a sharp pain on my face. He slapped me. I heard a gasp, as I sat there in shock. So much just happened in like two minutes. I placed a hand over the fresh slap, feeling the heat radiate off of it. König towered over me, his eyes slowly shifting from anger to regret. I couldn't help but let a couple tears slip from my eyes. I quickly wiped them away, pushing myself off the ground.

"Take Wires to the Hummer. I'm getting papers," I ordered Soap. My voice shook as I rubbed my throat. I could feel König's eyes follow me as I walked away, searching quietly through the papers on Wires' desk. I managed to find a stack of papers on recently "lost" missiles. I snatched those before continuing my search and ending up empty handed. I shakily sighed, shoving the papers into a pocket before walking out of the room. The only one left was Ghost.

"What the hell was that!" He demanded, roughly pushing me back with his hand against my chest.

"Was what?" I questioned, the pain peaking when I spoke.

"With Soap! I thought you knew he was hands off! You know what, don't even fucking tell me." He stormed off. I huffed, waiting a moment before following them out to the Hummer. I'm surprised they hadn't left without me. I radioed Price.

"Shit hit the fan. But I've got information and a captive. Send a plane asap." I spoke, hearing static crackle as began to respond.

"Affirmative. See you soon!" He cheerily spoke, rubbing in my bad mood. I climbed into the Hummer, the air tenser than a fresh spring. I sighed before starting the car up and driving toward the base we came from.

Touch in the Dark- König x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now