26- Acknowledgement

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A/N: Hey y'all, sorry my updates haven't been as consistent as most of us would hope; myself included. My life has been an absolute rollercoaster since October 2023. Your author needs to catch a break:,). Here's a longer-than-normal chapter to make up for such a long absence. Enjoy!

"I know it's you, Y/n," He muttered. I thought right then and there I had died. I struggled to catch the breath that had escaped me, a noise similar to a laugh leaving my lips. I shook my head, hesitating before speaking.

"I don't know who you're talking about." I felt his hand against my hip, his fingertips digging into my skin slightly. He leaned forward, his body pressing against my back. I could feel his chest move with every breath he took. One of his fingers loosened from my hip, grasping a small strand of hair. He ran it between his fingers, sending shivers down my spine as my hair moved.

"Y/n..." He hummed, twirling the strand around his index finger. "Do not play dumb with me." He warned, giving a slight tug on the hair. I gasped for breath, unsure how he had even figured out. I had covered every base I could think of. I shook my head again, just thinking he was bluffing. I could feel his gloved hand pull more hair into his fingers, carefully running his fingers through it. Before I could even open my mouth to spew some excuse, he wrapped his fingers around my hair, pulling my head back, and making me look at him. 

 "Ich werde dich erkennen, egal wie du dich veränderst ( I will recognize you no matter how you change)."  I couldn't understand what he said, my eyebrows furring in confusion. I felt my body drastically shiver from the wind chill. He loosened his grip, allowing me to look up. The fire was now down to embers, the broken windows providing minimal shelter from the wind. I tried to keep my eyes anywhere but his as he pulled my head back quickly. 

"Du bist mein (You are mine). Ja?" He questioned, a hand gripping my jaw, allowing me no room for movement. Now, I understood that one. I refused to look at him, feeling my face flushing red. I couldn't let him do this. Not here. Not now. 

"Answer me," He growled. "Look me in my eyes and answer me." I uncontrollably shook, whether that was from fear or the cold air was hard to pinpoint. I bit the inside of my cheek, braving to look him in the eyes. Like always, the sniper hood covered every expression across his face besides his eyes. His eyebrows were furrowed, his eyes sharply staring into mine, awaiting an answer. 

"König," I started, unsure of where I was even going. "You- We-"

"I will not let you go until you tell me."

I held my breath, unsure what to do in this situation. Half of me was still upset. He had choked me out and slapped me in a fit of rage without allowing me a single explanation. Yet, in the past few months, he spent all his time watching over me after Makarov came close to ending my life. He spent hours on end watching me tied up to cables and monitors, unsure if I'd make it out of it alive. He would do anything I dared to ask for. Price told me he took the news of my 'death' the hardest. His previous behavior was nothing short of grotesque and abusive; however, he had spent months silently bending backward to try and make up for it. 

"Answer me this first, how did you know it was me?" 

"I will always know. Your smell, your face; you think a tinge of makeup and hair dye will fool me?" I should have known better than to mistake him for an idiot. "Plus, do you not think I know how to pull strings?"

"Don't tell me..."

"Captian Price told me after he sent you that little letter to your studio. You think you can just let other men come waltzing on in and claim something of mine I took long ago?" I felt the heat rise on my face. He knew along. I bit my lip, breaking eye contact. The broken window sure looked interesting at this point. 

"Now, answer me." His grip on my jaw had never faltered during this entire conversation. "Du. Bist. Mein. Yes?" I gulped, closing my eyes tight, unsure where this would go no matter what I answered. After a few moments, I opened my mouth to speak.

"Ye.. yes." A broken whisper left my lips, my eyes refusing to meet with his as those words left. I could hear his tongue click, his hand clasped on my jaw adjusted my head around, pulling it to face towards him. I could hear a semi-shaky breath escape from his lungs. 

"I would say we are on even grounds now, ja?" His gloved fingers gently traced down from my jaw to my neck before lifting off of my skin. I nodded, words unable to even come through my mouth. I stood up when given the chance, moving myself to the other side of the room with shaky legs and breath. My body began to shiver from hypothermia. The fire had long gone at this point, living in only dull embers. Exhaustion had also begun to creep up on me faster than I expected.  König slowly moved up from the ground, searching for some extra wood to keep the fire going. The tension in the room was almost unbearable. I'd rather die out in the snow than continue to sit in this awkward air. 

I heard him huff, taking me out of my overthinking.

"We do not have any firewood it seems." He sighed, searching around for something.

"Fuck, are you serious?" I managed, frustration overpowering my anxiety. He nodded, prodding through each cabin until he landed on some thin sheets and a comically small blanket. I couldn't tell if it was so small because of how large he was, or if it was just insanely lackluster. He walked around with the thin sheets, doing the best he could to cover up the holes in the windows. The gaps in the walls were unavoidable. My teeth began to chatter as he finished up the last one, it was almost impossible to see with the lack of light. 

"Alright, that will have to do us until morning. Let us hope we can leave by then." I nodded in agreeance, the noise from my jaw slamming together violently filling the room. König settled down across the room from me, throwing the blanket toward me. I did my best to wrap myself in it, still unable to get even the slightest bit warmer. It was truly comically small, barely able to reach around my shoulders. I could hear a small chuckle from him as he witnessed the sight.

"König..." I muttered, debating on whether to bring this up or not with him.

"Ja?" He whispered back, the exhaustion creeping up on him too.

"Are you cold?" I could hear a soft exhale come from him, almost like a small laugh. 
"Can we just like... share body heat?" I whispered, it barely being audible. I could feel my face turn several shades of pink and red. I could hear him pause and think for a hot minute before clearing his throat and finally speaking. 
"... Yes."

With that being said, he made his way over, awkwardly lying down. I followed, my head accidentally landing on his arm. I jolted, whispering apologies. He encouraged me to lie back down, allowing me to rest my head on his arm instead of the hardwood floor. I adjusted with him behind me, the heat beginning to feel 10x better. The little blanket made shoddy work of holding the heat in, yet helped some. However, I just couldn't help but struggle to get comfortable.

"König, do you still have your gun on you? It's poking me."

"No, it is... It is not my gun," He murmured, clearly embarrassed. 


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02 ⏰

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