12- Surprise

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I woke up the following day, feeling strangely cold. I looked around, finding König gone. Shit. I sighed, pulling myself out of his bed and searching for my clothes. As I pulled my shirt over my head, I heard the door open. I turned around and saw the Austrian standing there with a cup of water and food in his hands. My distress eased into a smile as I could see the worry across his face.

"Thought you left me," I laughed, tucking my shirt into my pants and buckling them.

"I would never mein bär. (my bear)" He shut the door behind him, leading me to the bed to eat. He handed me a plate with pancakes, eggs, and sausage on it. It was fresh. I dug into it, realizing I hadn't eaten in a while. I glanced over at him, seeing his gunmetal grey eyes staring at me eagerly.

"It's excellent," I complimented him, scarfing down the rest of the plate. He handed me water, watching as I quickly drank it.

"How did you sleep?" I inquired, feeling sore from last night.

"Well. How did you sleep?" He asked, a smile evident in his voice.

"I'd say pretty well," I laughed, feeling a slight tension in the air. I was the one making it awkward. I never stayed in the morning after being with someone. Commitment was an issue for me. Yet, for some reason I craved the attention König gave me. A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts. It swung open revealing Soap. He looked at me, immediately glaring at König. Now things had really gotten awkward.

"What are you doing in here?" Soap questioned me, an edge in his voice.

"Eating breakfast," I dryly responded, my cheeks slowly heating up. König stood in front of me, muttering something in German. I could hear Soap scoff, before taking a big breath and leaning against the door frame.

"Sure, lass. Just eating," He growled. "Anyway. Price wants all of us in his office, now." I could hear his footsteps fade away as König moved from in front to the side of me. The bed sunk dramatically as he took a seat. He rested one of his hands on my shoulder as I stared at the ground for a minute. I glanced up at him and smiled, standing up.

"Better go see what Price wants. Must be urgent if he sent Soap," I commented, throwing on my shoes and heading towards Price's office. I could hear König follow behind me, his feet dragging in a gloomy mood. We made our way into the room, Soap and Ghost waiting for us. Price was already smoking a cigar, his room full of smoke. Something bad just happened.

"König, L/n. Sit please," He motioned to the chairs. We sat, an awkward silence filling the room as Soap and König stared each other down. Price took a drag from his cigar, sighing before roughly slamming his hands on his table, the four of us jumping out of fear.

"I'm having to send you guys out again before Russia!" He bellowed, frustration clear in his voice.

"You're going out to America, visiting an old friend of ours that we think smuggled some American bombs into Hassan's hands," He sighed, taking a long drag of his cigar.

"When?" Ghost's low voice filled the room.

"Tonight, over plane. Tomorrow morning they're sending you to Texas and from there you'll stay with some old friends while you get ready to get some information," Price replied, choking out his cigar into the ash tray. I harshly swallowed. I hadn't been back to America in at least 5 years and I didn't really want to go back. But a mission is a mission.

Price sent the boys off but made me stay. König glanced at me worriedly before closing the door behind him.

"Y/n, what's going through your mind right now?" He asked, lighting another cigar.

"A lot, Captain. You know my family lives in Texas. Plus I never expected to be back in America so soon," I admitted, praying I wouldn't end up running into them.

"I'm aware. I wouldn't put you on this mission if I didn't need you. But our little friend has... problems with others. You're our only chance here."

"Problems how so?"

"He will only speak with other Americans," Price laughed, knowing how stupid it sounded. But I believed it. I knew people that secluded and scared of difference.

"At least I got the accent too," I pulled out a southern accent, getting a stare from Price. He gave a small laugh before opening his arms for a hug.

"Be safe, kid," He spoke genuinely, patting me on the back. I smiled, I always thought of him as a father figure.

I left his office, and began getting ready to load up for a long flight. I avoided König, a burning feeling sitting in my gut. I so badly wanted to just sit in his arms and cuddle the giant, but my fear of vulnerability was eating away at me. And I problem wasn't helping his anxiety. I sighed, keeping myself tucked away in my room until it was time to leave. A small knock on my door let me know it was time to go. I swung it open to see Ghost, decked out in his gear.

"Ready?" He inquired, seeing I was still in socks and my gear was laid across my bed. I hummed a yes, pulling on my boots and strapping my gear on as I walked out my room and pulled the door shut. I followed Ghost to the aircraft, noticing König nervously pacing around. Once he saw me, he eased physically l, yet his eyes held pain in them. Y/n. Stop pushing him away!

He pulled himself into the airplane, extending an arm toward me to help me up. I took it, him easily pulling me up. I sat next to König, Soap and Ghost across from us. This ride was going to a long and painful one.

A/n: i apologize if this chapter was bad. I got put on new meds for anxiety and they've been kicking my ass lol. Lost all motivation in everything. Anyway! I am going to post a couple of crack chapters for the upcoming holidays. Stay safe and warm! -Tabs

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