Chapter |1|

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A/N: Guys since this is suppose to be a flashback in a dream then its gonna be happening in first person how Rovyn remembers it but their is still gonna be third person cause im narrating the scenes .This is prob obvious but just so you don't get confused.

Rovyn's Pov


"You what , tell me what you want Rovyn ". 

This was a sneak peak into Rovyn's worst memory, ones that keep him up at night,a trauma he wanted to get rid of the most; they were burdens that filled him to the brim with regret.

"I-I-I think m-m-maybe I- i mean i-im not s-sure"

"Bro spit it out already and stop stuttering now's not the time. the guys told me to come play football with them plus shyla is there i need to hurry"

"Spit it out and stop stuttering",Rovyn thought.

"..... he said that to me ? " But he knew,he knew I couldn't help it. I had always been like this since birth. My speech disorder had been here from the start.It aches to be honest how a mere girl could turn him into this.

I was right he's changed.

"I -i l-lik-ke ..."

"Rovyn are you gonna tell me what you like or not because i have to get to pract-"

"wait you don't like Shyla right, you better not "


To be honest I knew he liked her and I knew he was straight but the feelings were eating me up inside and a part of me said he would accept me even if he didn't love me and I took that initiative and now I'm here so I think im ready...

Rovyn was a shy person; he had one to no friends all he had ever known was his brother who hated him although he didn't know why and Robin. He was his best friend,his first ever real love he practically lived for him but his brother always had a way of taking things he had. because of him the Robin he knew changed in the matter of a few months he hung out with more popular people in school joined the football team and went to a lot of parties,not to mention his family were very well off the exact opposite of him.

It was like he was back to the start,before robin when he was just a 13 year old friendless orphan boy with a speech disorder unknown to the reason of its development . a simple nobody.But when he met Robin he felt different, something he had never felt before. Was it love ?

At the time he had no idea he had gone through the 5 stages of denial.He spent nights tossing and turning just thinking about how one could go from the phase of friendship to attachment,denial,acceptance then love?

But he was here and there was no turning back now.

"I l-like y-you".....

Then there was silence Rovyn's eyes met the ground awaiting a response but he heard something unexpected literally.

A laugh ?

" I  mean who wouldn't like me when i look like this" 

"But all jokes aside were like best friends i like you too, anyway i need to go Shyla said she wanted to tell me something i can't miss my chance can i ".

And with that Robin turned and started walking.

At that moment Rovyn himself didn't even know what came over him.  it just came out.

"I love you Robin!"

It was as if time had stopped. The only thing moving was the wind through Rovyn's hair. Robin stood still with his back to him.The sun was setting only then did Rovyn process what was happening. This was the first time he had spoken and didn't stutter and it was i love you.

We meet Again... ("Im Sorry") bxMxMxMxMxMxM+Where stories live. Discover now