Story info Please read !

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Hello everyone beofre this book start i would just like to express a few things this book includes homosexual activity such as

Mxm -  Man + Man.

Therefore if you are not comfortable with this type of stuff i usher for you to leave right now to avoid future problems. In additions to this there will be a polymary relationships as the main plot meaning multiple people in a relationship at once with consent of course.This includes sexually aswell.

There will also be a slight bit of insest added between my characters  relationships with means having a relationship with close family such as siblings and if this is something that doesn't sit right with you then be welcomed to leave thank you. I do not wish to make anyone uncomfortable then receive backlash for it.

Now a few notices in the book.

Our main lead is 19 which in majority countries is considered an adult but in this book you are only considered an adult at 21 therefore to police in this story and all other characters Rovyn is still under aged. This plays a big part so dont get confused.

Also i really update when i wish too and feel motivated but dont let it stop u from reminding me it helps me to actually start writing earlier .

Ive taken time to make a character info including my envisioned looks and personalities for every character. i hope you wont skip it and will take time to get to know each character equally.

Lastly, i also will accept constructive criticism.I must say im aware that there will probably be alot of writing and spelling mistakes but be fr guys just criticise me on the story itself. 

Now on to the book.

We meet Again... ("Im Sorry") bxMxMxMxMxMxM+Where stories live. Discover now