Chapter ~ 6 ~

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I just wanna put this out there beforehand. I don't really know how to spy or like a proper dealer talk . I'm making this up so if it's wrong just pretend you never saw it or correct me in your head okayy .

Enjoy guys :)

" Be on standby , i'll give the signal "

A hushed voice made itself known to the iridescent orange sky through Rovyn's in-ear. Sighing, as he felt the warmth clutch to his face while he began to pull up his mask in response to the voice.

"We're ready when you are".

'Im sending drones your way i'll scout the area so stay alert '

The sun was setting . At the very edge of the city where you could practically smell the tension wafting through the air as the 2 waited for their signal. ' Alright black I've sent the drones round'.'

' So how are things looking ?'

' Not so bad at the entrance, you've got 2 on your left and 4 on your right take em out smooth and swift we've got no time although i'm sure it won't be a problem on your side '.

' On the inside ? '

' It's gonna be a rough one i couldn't get the exact amount but it's looking 25-2 , i'm afraid you might struggle with this one b- '

' We'll be fine'

' Alright but safety comes first, get in and out , we sent a mole in a month ago the files you need for the exchange should be in the furthest building down the grid. The key is in the last page of the 3rd book on the shelf row in his office . Take it and and go the silver statues down the hall there should be an opening in their arms the files are hidden in there ' .

' Give me a time '.

' you've got 2 hours to complete this mission so you have 30 minutes. Try your bests to avoid guards from the inside we don't wanna alert them , your time start from the moment you get in so do what you need to but do it fast '

' Got it anything else? '

' Grey what about you, you know what to do right ? '

' huh what oh yeah' The other two were so caught up in their conversation at a point Ai forgot he was even there.

' To be fair you've got the easy part wait for the last signal at your post and then greet the boat for the package dont fuck it up '

' Okay let's be fr when have a ever fucked up anything '

then silence ...

' Ugh you guys are no fun' Grey rolled his eyes before pulling his mask up slumping to the ground. 'Anyways as i was saying don't get caught and most importantly don't die ''

' Look out for a light in the distance, that's the signal then go'.

The formerly warm sky had alright begun to mix its colours by this time into a greyish blue as it dawned to midnight ,  the two were hiding around some crates just outside the entrance when they saw it. The signal was 2 flashes from a distance.

Exchanging nods the duo began to climb onto one of the many crates outside the harbour as they began to devise a plan, the guards were doing their rounds and there were 2 security cameras.

'Grey you still got those fireworks from last time ? '

'Yea why, wanna use those for the distraction'

' yea go distract the guards on the right i'll take down the cams and the other 2 '

Opening his pocket Grey reached for a lighter and some fireworks then lit them up as he stood back and threw them into a far distance.







and 1.

A loud boom sounded as they turned back to the guards watching as just as they thought 4 of them left, leaving 2 guards for stand by.

' Go for the guards i'll handle the cams' Grey said before jumping onto another crate and aiming his dagger straight for a CCTV which he of course hit , before doing the same with the other ones .

Back as a trainee Rovyn had been given the nickname black cat, his ability to get around unnoticed and swiftly and as well as jumping to and from high places like a cat never disappointed, definitely not in this situation either.

He took a few steps back before Jumping onto a roof edge of the harbour , it was a hobby you could say the Rovyn liked to estimate how long it would take to take someone out and this time he could definitely say 10 seconds tops maybe 15 if they put a fight but not likely.

Loading his gun he waited for a second before shooting one of the guards in the head from behind before jumping down to fight the other.

' Welp that didn't take very long, let's get these bodies out of here' Grey chirped out cheerfully clapping his hands. ' Did you call for backup for the other guards ? '

' Yup, they're properly dead by now. Heard they picked up quite a fight pity i didn't get to see oh well i guess' Grey shrugged with a pout.

' hpmh you fucking sadist' Rovyn scoffed rolling his eyes.

' Hmm, I prefer unique but whatever suits you, now let's go ' Grey smirked before climbing and jumping over the gate.

This was a short chapter im sorry but ill try update at bit more now i hope you did enjoy regardless.


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