Chapter |4|

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A while had passed since Rovyn had been informed  and now he was currently watching the drugs being loaded up while waiting for Aiden to out of nowhere appear as usual.

"So what are you doing" ? A voice sounded from behind.

they reached out to touch Rovyn's shoulder which immediately alerted him.

And due to instincts without a second thought he threw him over his shoulder back dropping him on the floor harshly.

"What the heck , fuck that hurts"

Well speak of the devil it was Aiden.

"What are u doing on the floor? We don't have time to mess around right now".

" What do you mean why I'm on the floor well obviously thanks to no one " Aiden said in annoyance sending a glare.

"Oh. That was you then,  I did tell you not to sneak up on me anymore but you never learn" he shrugged.

Aiden only rolled his eyes in reply before holding his hand out to him expecting him to help get himself up.

But Rovyn being Rovyn simply only looked at it for a few seconds before walking away.

"what the - , are you just gonna leave me on the ground"

"If you're smart I'm sure you'll figure it out" Rovyn walked away.

"Fuck u bro"

"Nah you're not really my type"

By now Rovyn was nowhere to be seen and Aiden finally getting the memo lifted himself up. 

 there really was really no point or depending on that guy he thought as he rushed to catch up with him.

He chased after Rovyn finally catching sight of him under a tree smoking a cigarette. Rovyn didn't like smoking to be honest he hated it but it brought him some relive and distracted him.

 Plus as someone who had a drug addicted dad and is a dealer himself everyone knows the no #1 rule of dealing is ...

"Never get high on your own supply, i know"

Aiden groaned against the tree at the lecture Rovyn was giving him, for when he started coaching the new recruits for this month. For a man of a few words he sure knew how to lecture people to the point of boredom.

"Just because you know doesn't mean they will, even people who have been in the business for long time make the stupid error u need to make sure it's drilled into their skulls"

"If they don't wanna end up dead that is" reminded Rovyn as he let out a large puff of smoke"

Silence now passed through the two just under the tree as they looked afar.Before Aiden decided to break it.

"Hey Rovyn,i know this is probably really random and stupid of me to ask but d-"

"Don't ask it then cause theres a high chance it is"

Aiden rolled his eyes for probably the 5th time today at his friend's bluntness. "Anyway, do you ever wonder if life would be different if maybe we grew up in a happy family ? went to school,  had good grades , friends and we were accepted for who we were then maybe we wouldn't be what we are today" ?

"We could have a proper life without being cautious of our every move because it depends on whether we see the next day or not , we could have proper dreams and maybe just maybe even find love..."

Rovyn sucked in a large breath at the last sentence: love ? 

hah what a joke.

"You should really never try being sentimental again , it's too weird for my liking "  Rovyn said making a face beginning to shudder at the thought. 

"Wow thanks,that was so helpful" Aiden remarked while nudging him.

A tiny smile crept on his face before he wiped it off just as fast as it came. He felt weird with the way he acted with Aiden these days and he didn't totally like it. 

But what could he say when you hang around someone like Ai for a few hours your bound to loose a brain cell or two or maybe even five. Only god knows how he lasted almost 6 years. 

"  Truthfully thou, I don't know Ai.  This has been all i've ever know and if there was even a chance to grow up happily it would come, but for people like us that are different we can't love, and we are who we are."

" nobody chooses this path of life it just happens and no different life could change that that's why we are here right now" Rovyn finally replied as he took his last smoke before throwing the cigarette butt and stepping on it.

"You should learn to stop dreaming of things that can never happen but if I could tell you one thing then , my dream right now is to make this mission no different from our other successful ones and that I can live with".

There was no reply given as silence travelled through the air once again until Rovyn stood up and turned to Aiden saying "well we better get going package is almost ready to go"

As Rovyn made his way Aiden following in suit,he realised something .

This was the first time is almost 8 years he had said what he felt and truthfully at that.

 Slowly he turned unconsciously,  stopping in his track to wait for Aiden who was rather happily watching the clouds. 

something he always talked about with Rovyn was clouds.  And although he thought Rovyn always ignored his rants he would never know that Rovyn always did listen.

 secretly of course but that was just how Rovyn was.

"Hey wanna know something , even though clouds float in the air clouds a cumulus cloud can weigh hundreds of tons" Aiden abruptly made known as he caught up.

"Oh really"  Rovyn inquired rather amused.

"Yea and a cumulus cloud is basically a cloud that kinda cali-flowered shape if you think about, like that one over there" Aiden excitedly explained with an evident smile pointing up in an area of the sky. 

A small yet happy smile spread of Rovyn's face. A first after a long time with the one person he definitely didn't expect.  The only difference was that unlike other times , his smile didnt falter. 

"Cute" was all Rovyn thought walking on, listening to his friend's rants.Something was definitely wrong with him as he began to smile if he could a bit more. 

A/N-I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and what do you think of Aiden's words. I wanna ask your opinion on it as well as Rovyn's reply.

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