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|RAIN poured from the cloudy skies, the droplets creating mud underneath Xavier and Hazels footsteps. His umbrella protected them both aswell as bring them close as Hazel looped her amr with his to keel them close so the rain doesn't touch her.

Xavier felt his heart flutter when she did so. The action made his stomach swarm with butterflies and he felt almost important. He never got this type of feeling with Bianca or anyone else.

Only from the Agnes witch who as hodling onto his arm trying not to be touched by water raining from the sky. They made their way through the thick forest, trying to avoid the slip from the mud.

"Why would she want to go to the pilgrim meeting house?" Xavier asked, hoping for a good answer. "Maybe it's to do with a person issue she's having. A mystery" Xavier laughed at her.

"Maybe it's to do with her constant woeful attitude" Hazel burst into laughter making Xavier smile widely. She looked up at him and but gasped as she felt a harshful knock in the shoudler and went slipping in the mud.

"Shit Hazel!" Xavier looked down at Hazel then the person who caused her fall. "Wednesday?" Hazel looked up to see the pigtailed roommate look between her and Xavier. To Hazel, Wedneaday seemed panicked but tried to play it off cool.

"What are you two doing out here?" She questioned. "We could ask you the same thing" Hazel shot back  standing up as she tried to wipe the brown sludge off herself but it only smudged into her unform.

"We over heard you talking to Tyler about the Old meeting house." Xaviwr said truthfully. Hazelw arched as the two conversed before Wednesday confessing she saw the monster.

She went to show the two the foot tracks that lead from monster to human but they were washed away. Hazel eyebrows furrowed before gasping as she tensed up as her eyes go smoky Grey.

Xavier turned to her, with wedneaday, grabbing onto hazels arms. "Haz?!" He yelled. Wednesday marched to the side of Hazel.

Hazel stood in the woods, the night sky pitch black. Her eyes looked around as she scanned the area. She regonized it to the forest the was behind the ferris wheel of the Harvest festival.

As she squinted she noticed Rowan, hanging Wednesday by a tree with his telekinesis. She gasped as the memory unfolded in front of her. But from a way different angle. She gasped as she sawt he hideous monster come out of nowhere and murder Rowan infront of her concious form and unconscious form.

Soon she felt like time warped backwards and she's in the Nevermore entrance where the stairs are. She looked to her side to see Morticia Addams and Gomez Addams, but much younger.

Like Fencing Morticia from the picture Wddneaday pointed out of the tour Enid gave them. Hazel soon felt a very dark presences and turned to see a long haired boy come marching towards Morticia and Gomez.

But as she goes to yell at morticia and Gomez to run she saw someone she didn't think she would see. Her aunt Jean stood out, screaming her head off at the boy.

"YOU LEAVE GARRET! MORTICIA ISNT YOUR PRIZE!" Jean screamed at the top of her lungs. But Hazel gasped as she watched this Garret boy shoves aunt Jean away into a fake knight stand.

Hazel gasped as loud as she watched the sword pierce through her aunts Stomach. The blade exited the front, the dark crimson blood soaking it.


Hazel snapped back into her reality to realize she was sat in a med bed. She looked to her sides to see Enid, Ajax and Xavier surround her bed.

"You guys look like your going to do a satanic ritual on me" Their heads snapped towards her and they all smiled. Xavier grip on her hand tightened.

"Looked like Enids idea of healing candles worked!" Ajax said cheerfully. Hazel looked iver at Enid and smiled at her. Enid giggled and patted Hazel forehead. "You good?" Hazel nodded made her smile grow wider.

"Alright, all of you out. I need to speak with Miss Agnes alone" Hazel looked to her side to see the tall principal walk in and sit down beside Hazel.

The young witch watched as her friends left, her eyes lingering on Xaviers as he lingered on her before closing the door behind him. Principal Weems took in Hazel hand.

"I was starting to worry about you Miss Agnes." Hazel looked at her, feeling like she was about to get a massive lecture. "No need to Principal Weems. I'm ok. It was just a vision blackout." The taller woman eyebrows furrowed.

It felt weird that both Wednesday and Hazel were getting these visions. But visions about what.

"What was in your vision?" The young witch gulped. She didn't tknow wether to tell Principal Weems the truth or keep it to herself. "You can trust me Miss Agnes." Hazel gulped before spilling out the biggest lie of her life.

"I had a vision of the School in destruction." Hazel knew it was a massive lie to distract the principal but she knew it would create unnecessary problems. But what Hazel didn't know is that her lie turned into truth.


Hazel walked into her dorm, meeting with the loud tapping of Wednesday type writer. Her eyes flickered to the pigtailed girl and smiled. "Hey Wednesday..." Wedesday turned her head to Hazel.

"Your awake. Good." Wednesday turned back to her typewriter and continued to type away. Hazel walked to her room, feeling cold. Wednesday turned again and stood up, grabbing matches from Hazels nightstand and lit some of her candles.

Hazel looked at Wednesday, confused yet shocked at the gesture she was doing. "Thank you Wednesday" the blank stare she got in returned as enough for Hazel to know that Wednesday saying 'your welcome'.

"I'll try to keep my writing quiet. No promises though."


𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 |Xavier Thorpe|Where stories live. Discover now