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|HAZEL stared up at the board Wednesday had in her room. It was filled with pictures and papers and it was all scrambled yet looked organized.

"When you said you were putting something your room I did not have Ted bundy pinterest in mind" Enid said, walking with Hazel to look at the photo collage.

"It's not as scary as your unicorn collection" Hazel chuckled but Enid and Wednesdays looks towards her mads her shut her mouth. "Is this why you snuck out last night?" Enid asked, her hands infront of her uniform.

Wedneaday answered bluntly and Hazel face scrunched up in disgust. Suddenly Wedneaday started explaining about surgically removed body parts, making Hazel and Enid sick to their stomachs.

Wedneaday handed Enid pictures despite her wobbly protests. "Wednesday I think that's enou-" Hazel was cut off by Enid fainting to the ground. Wedneadayt rned to see Hazel swatting st Enid cheeks gently then turned to thing.

"Get the smelling salts... again"


"Hazel with me" Wednesday said, halting infront of the Witch who was walking along the path. "Why?" Wednesday stared at her bluntly. "Xavier is acting weird and I want you to go find out what it is. He has some marks on his neck that are causing suspension in my investigation" Hazel blinked rapidly at her.

"Right... and why me?" Wednesday rolled her eyes subtlety. "Because your closest to him than I've seen anyone else. You seem to Crack him like a nut." Hazel walked with Wednesday into the woods where they found a shed.

Wednesday stopped Hazel from going further with a hand to her chest. Hazel blinked before watching the long haired beauty of a man walk out of the shed. Her eyebrows furrowed before her eyesight was over taken by Wednesday's face.

"I need you to go talk to him. Distract him by getting detail. Go." Hazel blinked at Wednesday demands and walked after Xavier, catching up to him.

"Xavier! Hey!" Xavier seemed to tense up as he heard her angelic voice. He turned to her and smiled hesitantly. "Hey haz, what are you doing out Here?" Hazel smiled at him, playing nervously with her uniform coat.

"I was looking for you. I saw you come out this way but then I got lost and then I spotted you again!" Hazel made up, lying through her teeth. "Why did you need me?" Xavier couldnt help but smirk at her.

Hazel cheeks burnt up in a rosey red. "I just needed some Xavier charm to cheer myself up." Xavier smiled and goes to put an arm around Hazel to lead her back to campus but stops when he remembers he had to grab something from his shed.

"I need to go somewhere for a quick second, stay here?" He asked. Hazel panicked and immediately shook her head. "Don't do that. I'm scared Xavier." And without thinking Hazel wrapped her arms around him, securing him in a hug.

Xavier bit his lip before hugging back. "You can come with but just don't ask questions" Hazel nodded before Xavier led her back to the shed and around the corner and he suddenly became confused when he saw Wednesday there.

"Wednesday? What are you doing here?" He asked, stalking towards the Addams girl, his hand intertwined with Hazels. Wedneaday glanced down at Xaviers hand Hazels hand and Suspension flooded her mind more.

"Nothing" She answered clearly. "What is this place?" Wedneaday asked, motioning towards the shed. Xavier looked down at Hazel then at Wednesday. "Its kinda my private art studio. I found it, clean it up so Weems let me use it." Xavier explained.

"I'd love to see inside" Wedneaday replied. Hazel eyebrows furrowed at Wednesday. What is up with this girl? "Why don't you give me a tour?" It was like they were talking without Hazel there. She felt like a ghost that was only held onto humanity by xaviers hand holding hers.

Xavier shook his head lightly. "I can't right now it's a total mess" Xavier explained. Then Wednesday came up with a smart reply. "Maybe another time. Why were you looking for me?" Xavier asked. Hazel heart sank just a bit at how the two were talking. She felt selfish for being the tiniest bit upset over something that's possibly nothing.

Hazel soon drowned out the conversation as she looked at the shed. She felt a slight dizziness overcome her just like when she was around Tyler. She was suddenly pulled back into the conversation.

"Wouls you go to the dance with me?" Hazel felt like she was stabbed in the heart with a tiny nail. She looked at Wednesday and Xavier in disbelief and let go of his hand. A proud smile was on Xaviers face and a blunt one on Wednesday's.

"Yes Wednesday. I would love to go to the dance. Thought you'd never ask" Hazel looked down as she felt a swarm of anger build up in her. I thought he liked me. He gave me signs. What the actual fuck?!

"Never did i" Wednesday mumbled before walking away. Hazel looked up at Xavier who watched Wednesday leave and looked down. "I better get going too" She mumbled.

Xavier looked and felt a massive tsunami wave of Realization and guilt come crashing down on him. He was to caught up in distracting Wednesday about the shed that he had completely forgotten about Hazel.

"Must you go?" He asked, trying to play it off cool with a smile but he saw how Hazel bottom lip slightly shook. "Why would you care?" He went to say something, to plead her to stay but Hazel was having none of it as she marched her way out the woods.

She felt like she was going to explode. But what did she expect? Xavier to be her knight in shining armor in a none fairytale land? She was dreaming to think Xavier Thorpe would like a witch like her.

To like Hazel Agnes.


𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐀𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐭 |Xavier Thorpe|Where stories live. Discover now