One Little Tweet

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Paris; POV

This is how all of this began. It was only about.... Oh half a year after The Wanted started, and they just started having really crazy fans. I had a friend that loved the band, and knew Tom was my brother, she knew never to tell anyone, which she never did. It's my fault what happened to me happened, or mine and Tom's. It all started with a tweet from Tom.....


@TomTheWanted: Going home for a couple of days! Can't wait to see my sis! Love you girly!

I saw the tweet pop up, during class and wanted to do something stupid to see if Tom would see it.

@Paris_ParkerLover: @TomTheWanted I bet you are just jumping up and down to see her Tom.

I waited only 30 second before a response showed up.

@TomTheWanted: @Paris_ParkerLover I am! But I know you should be in Uni young lady! I will see you at home!

I did really put that last part through my head at the time.

@Paris_ParkerLover: @TomTheWanted I should be and am, just in Music! I better get the first hug Thomas Parker! Love you big bro!

You know when you are way to tired to even think about what you are typing, yourself, it's pretty bad. It was the last class of the day which was Music for me, so I was sat at the Piano, playing random things, while the teacher was with the Guitar kids.

"So does anyone want to play something to close out the class?" Mr.Anderson asked. My hand shot right up. You may think that I would play Guitar like Tom, but I don't, he tried to teach me, but I didn't like it so he thought of the Piano, and I feel in love with it! "Yes Ms.Parker, what would you like to play?"

"I'm going to play, Heart Vacancy, by The Wanted." I said, very proud of myself.

"Sing to?!" someone yelled from the mic section of the class room, where all the girls that think they can sing hang out, some of them can, but a lot of them can't.

"Yes." I said. I walked over to the Grand Piano, because I had been sitting at one of the keyboards.

"Okay, Ms.Parker start anytime." Mr.Anderson smiled at me. I nodded and started to play. Once I got to Tom's part, I knew I had to make it sound perfect, and try and out show my big brother. His voice started to run through my head, singing with me, I had to out do him. Once I finished the song everyone was clapping and cheering. If Tom would have been here I think I would have made him proud. After a minute everyone stopped clapping, my best friend Adrian, came over and gave me a hug. He has been my best friend since birth basically, his mum and my mum grew up together, and our birthdays are only a mouth apart from each other.

"Are you sure you don't want to join the band? Mike will go bad to just playing Base." He said. Adrian has been wanting me to join his band, to sing and play piano for over a year now.

"You know I'm going to say no so why do you ask?" I asked him.

"Because I'm just like that. So when is your brother coming home?" Right then the bell went off.

"Today. Come over later you know he always wants to see you." I said running the classroom, and out of the school.

It's was 5 pm getting dark. I always walked home, because we only live half a mile away from my Uni, where I was majoring in Music. I stopped by Starbucks for a coffee, because I went into Uni early this morning, because I wanted to help Mike, the guys that plays Piano for Adrian's band with one of their new songs, and a cover for The Wanted's Heart Vacancy, since I know how to play every one of they're songs.So I was extra tired today, when I was in seeing distance from my house, I was pulled into the alley, my scream was muffled, by a hand.

"Try anything and your dead." A voice said. I nodded, tears started to fill my eyes. Oh god please don't hurt me. Was all I could think.

 "Now, I want you to call your brother and tell him that if he doesn't do what I want you will die." A female voice said. I shook my head no. I won't let anyone hurt Tom. "You will!" The person came into view and I saw who it was. It was one of Tom's old girlfriends. She was always a bitch and never cared about Tom, she just wanted the fame and money. I'm glad Tom dumped her. "Paris did you really think I wouldn't get my revenge on you?" I was the reason Tom dumped her too, I might have taped her and some other guys kissing and what not for a day then showed Tom. He wasn't very happy. I bit the hand covering my mouth.

"I won't let you hurt Tom!" I yelled at her.

"Your not to smart, little girl!" She said slapping me. Well that hurt!

"What do you even want from him?! You got what you wanted the first time you fucked with him!" Put that through two minds one dirty and the other not you can get a laugh!

"You don't need to know! Ed take her home then kill her!" She yelled, slapping me one last time, than walking away. I started being dragged to my house. I saw the front door, I looked to that there wasn't a car in the drive. That's good and bad, it's good because my family won't see me die, and it's bad because they can't hear me scream for help. I am just going to close my eyes and pray that I don't die. I feel a hand go to my throat. Here it comes.

"I'm not going to kill you, but make sure you can never tell anyone who did this to you." He said in to my ear then started to crush my neck. I knew what he was going he was breaking my vocal cords. I started to cry, at the thought of this, I would almost rather die than, live and not sing.

"Hey you what are you doing?! PARIS!!!" I head Tom scream. Please help me Tom. I cried more, until I coudn't breath and started to black out. I felt the hand leave my neck, then fell into someone's arms. Toms arms. "Stay with me Ris. You can't leave me, helps on the way. Jay bring me something to stop the bleeding!"

"Here." I heard someone say. I felt cloth or something go to my neck before I black out. The last thing I saw was Tom and a curly haired guy's face. The last thing I heard was crying.


I woke up a month after that. I can't talk, because my vocal cords were crushed. I have been out the hospital for a week, now living with Tom and the band, not going anywhere near a piano, or any instrument for that matter, and not leaving my room.

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