Chapter 11

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Avery's POV

I have no idea, why Kelsey and Nareesha said we were going to a fashion show last minute, but I think it has something to do with Nathan. I just hope that it isn't something bad! He better have not made me a Twitter! I told all of them that I didn't want to see any here that I got! Paris got rid of her Twitter, because of all of it!

Wait....... What if he did something bad like cheated on me? What if that night everyone got really drunk, and I went to bed early, that Nathan thought Ris was me, and kissed her or something? No. No I am just being stupid! Paris tells me everything! Nathan would tell me that, and if something like that did happen Jay would find out and kill Nath, and maybe break up with Paris. I really don't know right now.

Last thing I am thinking is that we could just be going! Which I really don't mind, because I love fashion! Today I made this new outfit which I am going to make one of the girls try on because I want to know how it looks on someone. Other then me.


Nathan's POV

We have been at this for over two hours! We have the first vers and the chorus. The fashion show ends in an hour. I now there are people out there that can write a song in like 20 minutes or something, but I can't! Okay I could but this one is hard to do!

"Nathan just think of something! What do you love about her the most?!" Tom exclaimed. He is getting annoyed with me because I have sat her for like 20 minutes, trying to think of what I love the most about Avery.

"I love everything about her! I can't pick just one thing! I love her smile, he eyes, her laugh, the way she can take something to stupid then turn it into something amazing! I love everything about her! How am I going to pick just one thing?!" I exlciamed still going threw the thing's I love about Avery in my head; which again is EVERYTHING.

"Okay let's take a different a proch on this. What is the thing you want to do the most for Avery?" Jay asked, looking Paris' in the eyes. You could feel the love that they have. Nothing was going to stop that, or change it.

"Protect her." I said. That is the main thing other then love Avery that is improtent in our relationship to me.

We're just little people in this big bad world.

All I can do is protect you.

I wish all we could do is love, but we're just little people in this big bad world.

And I have to protect you.

Losing you isn't an option. I have to protect you in this big bad world.

 Paris sang beautifully. She was smiling. Like she had never smiled before. Jay looked the same way. He leaned in a kissed.

"Really? On the piano guys?" They pulled away and looked at us.

"I just gave you part of the song. Hell yes on th piano!" Addie smirked before kissing Jay again.

"So new song for all of it?" Max asked.

"I think so. So anyone else got anything that will go with it?" I said putting my head in my hands to think. There was really loud bang on the door. I stood up, going to see who it was.

"Hello?" I looked around and no one was there. "Okay then." I was about to close the door, when I saw someone, in the bushes. I walked out leaving the door open, so I could just run back in if it was a fan. I got closer seeing who it was. Hunter Hayes. "What do you want?" I spat.

"I really need to talk with Avery." He is climbing out of the bushes.

"I really don't think you need to talk to my girlfriend, without me knowing what about." I snapped. I will not take crap from him.

"I really just need to talk with Avery." He looked away from me.

"Nath, mate what's going on out here?" Max asked while him and the others, walked out of the house.

"He wants to talk with Avery, but I said that he couldn't til I knew why." I said looking back to Hunter.

"Is Avery here or no?" Hunter asked, looking a bit pissed off now.

"She isn't! So what do you need from her!?" I yelled. Getting pissed myself that he wont tell me why he needs to my girlfriend! I looked at the other, Paris had fear going across her face. She was looking down the drive. I looked and saw a bunch of paps coming this way and fast. We didn't even have time to run into the house before they were all over us. Jay was trying to hid Paris in his chest, Tom was also tring to make sure she wasn't seen, or being scared to death by them.

"Nathan what do you think about Hunter and Avery dating!?" Someone yelled. I was completely confused. I looked over at Hunter who, looked scared.

"You didn't." I snarled at him.

"My management said I had to after being seen with her!" He exclaimed. I didn't care at the second. I jumped on top of him, punching him in the face. I kept punching him, til Max and Tom pulled he off of him and inside the house.

"That mothing fucking pease of shit bastard!" I yelled punching a hole in the wall with all my rage.

"Mate calm down what happened?" Tom asked.

"He told the world he was dating her!" I yelled.

"The little twat! Look don't worry Nath we will get this fixed. For now someone call the girls and tell them to get home and now. And keep Avery hiden!" Tom ordered. Seev pulled out his phone calling the girls. I am going to kill that little twat.


Okay I am so sorry for the short chapters!! But drama!!

Okay so don't steal the lyrics in this chapter! I write all of those! I came up with all of them, so please don't steal them!!

Write you later!!-H

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