Chapter 12

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Avery's POV

Kelsey and Nareesha rushed us home. I have no idea why, but they said to keep my head down. I think we made it home in like half an hour, and the drive to the show was like an hour. Nareesha drove like mad! Once we got home the house was cover in paps. I looked to the girls. We all covered our heads and ran inside. I pulled my coat off my head and looked at everyone. I got to Nathan, he looked pissed but happy to see me. He ran over pulling me into a hug. I hugged, him back looking over his shoulder at everyone else, but there was one person that I didn't know why they was here.

"Nath why is Hunter Hayes here?" I whispered into his ear.

"Because we now have a problem thanks to him." Nathan whispered back. I nodded kissing his cheek. We pulled out of the hug and Nathan wrapped an arm around my waist pulling me closer to him. "Go on now. Tell her what you did." Nathan said threw clenched teeth. Hunter looked worried and scared.

"I had to tell everyone that we were dating." Hunter said looking down at the floor. My mouth feel open and my eyes went wide.

"You did what!?" I exclaimed. I was now very mad. I know Hunter did something stupid if Nathan is that pissed. I can't believe he did that!

"I had too! After being seen with you my management said I had too! I wouldn't have done it if I wasn't forced too!" He tried to defend.

"Out. Get out and don't come back." I pointed to the door and Hunter left. I turned and started to cry into Nathan's chest. "What are we going to do?" I cried.

"I don't know yet baby girl. But I will fix this." Nathan said in a calming voice. "Go up to bed and pick out a couple of movies. I'll be up with tea and stuff. We are going to have a get away day. Just you and me." Nath smiled kissing my forehead. I walked up the stairs and into Nath's room.


Jay's POV

I watched as Avery walked up the stairs before following Nathan into the kitchen. He was making tea and a couple of other things. I found a pack of Skittles and started to munch on them. I looked over at Nathan who was finishing the cuppa's.

"You know Nath doing this shows her how much you love her more then a song ever could." I said before throwing a couple more Skittles into my mouth.

"You really think so?" Nath wondered.

"If her and Paris are nothing alike, then yeah I'm sure." I nodded.

"What do you mean 'nothing alike'?" Really Nath?

"Nathan, Paris would love for me to write a song to show how much I love her, but she know's I knows I'm not the kind of guy to really do that kind of thing. She loves what I do for her, and she loves me. Now if Avery is the opposite of that, then doing what you are doing now is perfect for her." I said before leaving the room. I walked over and jumped on the couch landing next to Paris. I kissed her cheek before she stole some of my Skittles. I pouted and she kissed me back. I nodded. I looked to see what she was watching. Chasing The Saturdays. Okay then. Paris looked bored tho.

"Bird can we go and do something?" She whined.

"Like?" I asked.

"I don't know go on a nice long walk on the beach?" She smiled at the idea. I grabbed her hand pulling her up stairs.

"Get changed and meet me down stairs in 20. We are going on a date." I smiled pushing her into her room.

"What am I going to wear?" She asked.

"Well were going down to the beach so you tell me." I smiled walking into my room and changing.


"Paris come on! It sholdn't take you this long! We're going to the beach for Christ sake!" I yelled up stairs. I heard feet moving then a door opening and closing. Paris came down seconds later.

"Sorry I couldn't pick which one." She smiled taking my hand.

"We'll be back later!!" I yelled as we left the house. We walked all the way down the road to the beach which didn't seem to have very many people on it. "Want to take a swim?" I asked, pulling off my shirt. Ris nodded walking over to the waters edge. I grinned to myself, running up behind her and throwing her over my shoulder running into the water. I got far enough before I threw her the rest of the way in. I laughed as she came back up. I was laughing till I slipped and fell in myself. When I came back up Ris was laughing her ares off.

"Why are you laughing?" I asked going over to her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

"You, you clumsy git." She giggled. I pecked her lips, over and over again. Making her giggle more. She finally stopped me, by keeping our lips together. We kissed till one of us slipped making us fall into the water. We couldn't stop laughing after that. I pulled Ris close to me as she looked cold.

"You want to get out and just walk now?" I asked. She nodded. I picked her up again and got out of the water. We walked over to our stuff. Ris pulled on her skirt, taking my hand again. I left my shirt off being a bit to lazy to pull it back on. We walked for what seemed like forever and that forever wasn't over and it wasn't going to ever end; but it was really only a couple of hours. Soon the sun started to set.

"You want to sit and watch the sunset?" I asked kissing her cheek.

"Yeah it would be great." She smiled as we found a place to sit. I sat down then pulled her into my lap, putting my chin on her shoulder.

"You know this feels almost like the first time we kissed." I said leaving a trail of kiss' down her neck.

"It does. Other then Tom hasn't come to kill it." Ris giggled.

"Very true." I smiled on her skin. "You know you should stop talking." I said.


"Because for one you are going to make your throught hurt and make you winded, and second because then we can do this." I smiled before flipping us over. I was looking down at her, she was smiling. Paris cupped my cheek, with her hand.

"I love you." She smiled.

"I love you more." I said before kissing her. We pulled out of the kiss and I smiled like a fool at her. "I think this is almost paradise." I breathed out of breath.

"This is pardise, once you kiss me again." Ris said before pulling me in for another kiss. I don't think we are going to leave the beach tonight.

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