Chapter 3

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Tom's POV

I am the biggest idiot in the world. I made my own sister slap me. She has never- wait no she has slapped me. The day our parent's and sister died. Paris my be the younger one out of the two of us, she is the one that will take charge and fix everything. The day our family died, well let's say I don't remember but I remember, some of it.


We sat in the car on the way to Paris and Avery's 13th birthday party. Me and Paris were fighting about something stupid like normal, while Avery sat on my other side, texting her friends, and listening to music. I poke her in the side and she gave me the death glare. I poked her again and she slapped my hand. I pulled out her headphones so i could say something to her, again with the death glare.

"Why don't you just talk to us instead of ignoring us?" I asked her.

"Because, you are the biggest idiot in the world, and Paris will start being annoying." Avery complained.

"You know just because you 2 minutes older then me doesn't give you the right to be mean to me! Tom is older then you and me! Then mum and dad are older then all of us! So stop acting like little miss perfect!" Paris exclaimed.

"All of you stop it! Or we will turn around!" Mum yelled from the front.

"Why don't you stop controlling me! All of you! I wish I wasn't part of this family!" Avery yelled.

"Don't you talk to mum like that! You have no right to talk like that to anyone! No wonder all your friends hate you! I bet what everyone is saying about you is true!" Paris yelled at her. Avery gave a very shocked face.

"Just because you and Tom got the talent in the family, doesn't mean you are better then me! At least I'm not ugly!" Avery snapped.

"Both of you shut it! I don't want to hear it!" I butted in. "Just because we can sing and have some talent doesn't mean you can use that against us! It's not my fault you never try at anything other then, caking yourself with make-up!" I yelled at Avery, she looked like she could cry. I love her, but out of the twins I do like Paris better because she doesn't care what people think of her, but her talent. All Avery care's about is what people think of her, if someone doesn't like something about her she changes it. Avery used to be beautiful, she still is, but not the natural beautiful I loved on her. She used to have black hair, now she has bleach blond, because someone said that she was ugly with black hair, so she got mum to let her bleach it. She used to not have earing's now she does because someone said she had ugly ears. I wont go on anymore because every time I think about it, I want to punch that person in the face for changing my baby sister.

"Paris you aren't ugly! Your beautiful! Talented! You don't care what people think about you, and that is a great thing! Don't let your sister put you down, because that is pointless." I told her. She hugged me. Paris the youngest, out of us, but the most independent. She stands out when she is on a stage, or just walking in a crowd. She never let's anyone put her down, but when she does, it's a person that she can't say something back at them, and deafened herself. Which is hardly ever. Paris is different, not a bad different, but a good different.

"Thank you TomTom." She said hugging me. I looked over at Avery to see a tear fall down her face. I let go of Addie and pulled Avery into a hug, I wiped the tears from he eyes and looked her and smiled.

"You can't let other people control everything you do, you can't put people down because of your own problem's ether. I may act like I like Paris better, but do you know which one of you wanted me to love them and the other didn't when you were baby's?" I told her.

"M-me?" She stammered. I nodded.

"Yes you silly. Paris hated me, you always wanted to be with me." I laughed puling her into a hug.

"Your brother's right Avery, Paris wanted everything to do with me and your father, you on the other hand wanted nothing to do with us, always wanting Tom. When he would leave for school you cried, you had to get the last hug before he left, if not everything would go down hill." Mum laughed. "Over the past couple of years none of that has really changed, you still want nothing to do with us, but you really don't want anything to do with Tom ether. You do know that if you are having problem with anything you can tell us right?"

"I know. I love you guys." Avery smiled.

"We love you to Avery." I pulled the twins into a hug, and a tight one too. We all talked, WITHOUT fighting for maybe another 20 minutes, before the screams started. I looked out the front and saw the lights. I pulled the twins into a bear hug hoping to take most of what was going to happen. I felt like I was thrown in the air then to the ground, almost like a Yo-yo. I cried, Avery and Paris cried, but I didn't hear cries from mum and dad. The car stopped rolling and I opened my eyes. I looked around the car, mum and dad were crushed, Avery's door was smashed into her, Paris' leg didn't look right,  couldn't feel my left arm, my head was killing me, I pulled my right hand up to my head, and felt something like water, pulling my hand down, I saw blood all over my hand. Fuck. Was all I could think.

Avery wouldn't stop crying. Paris was just sitting there, looking like she was dead but she wasn't.

"Avery just calm down okay? Help is on the way." I tried to calm her.

"Shut the hell up Tom! We are going to die! Just like mum and dad!" She screamed at me.

"No we aren't!" Paris yelled, awakening from her trance.

"We will. Nobody really cared about us other then mum and dad. We didn't have a lot of other family, the highway was empty, I don't think anyone saw, by the time the next car passes, the will have seen the semi and not looked for us." I sighed. I then I felt a stinging feeling on the right side of my face, I was just slapped by Paris. "WHAT THE HELL PARIS!?!"

"Don't say that! We won't die! We can't die! I won't let us die! You should be the one saying this Tom! Your the oldest! I should be the one giving up hope; but I'm not! I'm doing your fucking job!" Paris cried. I pulled her into the best hug I could give right then.

"Your right Paris. We will make it out of this all of us. I know it." I said kissing both other they're heads. Then all went black for me. I could hear the fain sound of screaming and crying, but that was all.


I woke up a week later in the hospital. I was told by Paris that mum and dad did die on impacted like we thought, and Avery died during surgery. If I could change one thing about that day, it would be, that I didn't pick that one place to go, then nobody would be dead right now. For that I am the world's biggest idiot in my mind. Because I killed them, it's my fault, you can say it's not, but it is. To me it is and nobody is going to change my mind.

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