chapter 11

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Today is a normal day just come home from school. Today at school me an daeshawn catch up like we nearly fight an everyone was looking on us we as'nt went into a fight from we was talking so this was like pretty new to us so I'm kinda in a heated moment same way for what he did so I remember I told you guys that daeshawn was working at a club in the weekends to when we was at school spending time with each other this girl keep texting him so I ask him who is that he say it was just a friend so I'm a bit curious cause I'm not going to keep text down one of my friend phone unless it's a emergency so I told him to look on it he started to get angry like something is happening between both of them but he doesn't want to tell me so I ask him one more time he said no so I said fuck off to him an try to walk away he grab my hand an told me I'm just triping so I start to get angry an said I'm just triping when you have another bitch texting down your phone like that so I grab away my hand an walk away the girls an from that I try avoid him cause I was angry I didn't even stay at practice today I take the bus an come home change an put on some leggings and top and went for a run in the neighbour hood with my earbuds in the more I remember about what happen the more I push my self to run more faster on my way running I stop to take my breath an rest for awhile mean while I was resting a car was passing buy and told me to get into the vehicle I didn't move an then one of the persons in the car come out with a white kerchief in is hand an I began to move but because I was tired from running I didnt have much strength in me to run but the little strength I have I use it to scream an he put it over my nose an soon I was block out.

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