Ch. 2

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"Fire ghoulette, play your solo again in 'Kiss The Go-Goat'," Sister Imperator was sat in a chair, her arms crossed against her chest as she criticized and critiqued everything.

   Kasdeya sighed, once again playing the solo that was given to her instead of Dewdrop. She played it the same way, sounding perfect to the ghouls, but not to  Imperator. She clicked her tongue, shaking head disapproving.

   "Let the final note ring out, you need to blend more with Aether in the background." The room was growing hot slowly, Dewdrop watched his sisters tail flick back and forth in an agitated way.

   "But it's a solo," Kasdeya gritted her teeth, "the point is to stand out against all the other parts."

   Sister narrowed her eyes, "yes, but you stand out too much." Kasdeya knew Sister never liked her, she hated the fact that another Fire ghoul was on stage playing a guitar. She thought that Kasdeya was better to stay in the back and stay out of the way.

   "Seestor, if I may intervene," Copia spoke up, "Kasdeya's solo is standing out just enough, and Aether could always turn his volume up a little to balance it out?" Copia offered, not wanting Kasdeya to set anything on fire in front of Imperator.

   Sister thought on it, "that can work, I still want her to blend more." Kasdeya rolled her eyes, stomping over to Dewdrop who stood next to Rain.

   Sister was speaking to Cumulus and Cirrus, ignoring the other conversations going on. "She wants me to be quiet during a solo?!" Kasdeya whisper shouted, her tail slowly starting to steam.

   "I suggest you calm down before you set the stage in fire, if she sees that you'll be sent back for sure." Dewdrop warned, Kasdeya's eyes glowing a bright amber after Dewdrop told her to calm down.

   Rain placed a hand on Kasdeya's shoulder, a cool sensation running through her body. The Water ghoul put out the small fire that was starting to burn inside Kasdeya. "Telling any female to calm down when angry is the worst thing to ever do. I learned from Cumulus the hard way. Only do what Sister wants during practice, she's not there during the rituals, so do what you usually do during them."

   Kasdeya smiled, missing Rain's cool touch when he moved his hand to start playing his bass. Kasdeya started playing with the band, counting until she was to join in. She switched her petal over, the sound ringing out as she moved her hands. Her fingers dragged up and down the strings, her callus' cracking a little more as she kept playing.

   The rehearsal lasted four more hours, Kasdeya's chest heaving up and down as she finished the last song. Sister stood, nodding her head. "I will see you all off before you leave." She left after that, Kasdeya throwing a pick at the door when it shut behind the woman.

   "'You stand out too much' I'll show you standing out." Kasdeya mocked, Swiss coming up behind the ghoulette, wrapping his arms around her shoulders.

   "You stand out just enough, she told me to stay on my stage or I'll be stuck cleaning the entire basement." Swiss rolled his eyes, Kasdeya shaking her head.

   "Rest up everyone, Swiss, ghoulettes, Aether, rest up your vocals. I'll see you all bright and early tomorrow." Copia left, Kasdeya packing away her guitar and putting it with everyone else's so it will get packed in the bus tomorrow.

   The ghouls went different ways, Aether and Mountain went to their rooms. Swiss, Dewdrop, and Rain went to go get food. And the ghoulettes all went to Kasdeya's room. Currently, Kasdeya held a tattoo gun in her hand as she was putting a Grucifix on her left wrist.

    "Where'd you get a tattoo gun anyway?" Cumulus asked, looking away from the movie they were watching.

   Kasdeya shrugged, "the place I went to get my first tattoo, the guy said I could have his extra because I went there so much and started to practice. He liked my vibes, as he said."

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