Ch. 13

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"Where are you taking me?" Kasdeya laughed as Mountain dragged her through the woods.

"Do you trust me?" He asked as they slowed down, looking deeply into Kasdeya's eyes.

"Yes," Kasdeya answered quickly, her cheeks tinted red.

"Then shut up and follow me," Mountain chuckled, Kasdeya gasping before she started to laugh herself.

She allowed Mountain to lead her through the woods. He had a bag over his shoulders, or he would be carrying Kasdeya on his back right now. His thoughts would go crazy every time she was on his back, the way she wrapped her legs around his waist. Fuck - he needed to stop thinking about that right now. Mountain put Kasdeya in front of him, covering her eyes with his hands as he guided her. He couldn't contain his smile as he removed his hands, allowing Kasdeya to see where he led her; It was the pond with the small dock in the water.

"The pond?" Kasdeya laughed, looking up at Mountain.

His smile dropped, "you already knew about this place?"

"Who do you think put the dock in, dummy?" Kasdeya giggled.

Mountains face fell, "Oh, I thought it would be a big surprise for you. I was going to bring you here for a picnic and  thought we could swim."

Kasdeya frowned, placing her hands on both of his cheeks. "It is a surprise, and I think a picnic would be amazing; I love it, Mounty."

The smile crept back on his face, Mountain pulling Kasdeya down to the dock. He pulled out a small blanket from his bag, putting it on the wooden pier before he pulled out food. There were brownies, strawberries (both regular and chocolate-covered), cute mini sandwiches, and their favorite drinks. Mountain sat cross-legged, motioning for Kasdeya to sit down. She did, a smile on her face.

"Y'know, I've never been on a picnic before," Kasdeya said while reaching for a mini sandwich.

"Really?" Mountain asked, never taking his eyes off her.

"Mhm, no one has ever done anything like this for me. Actually, no one has done half the stuff you have done for me, Mountain." She mumbled, her cheeks feeling hot as she felt Mountain's gaze on her.

"Kas..." Mountain trailed on, awe in his voice.

"I mean Dewdrop has been there when things got rough back in Hell, but he hasn't saved me from a freezer. No one has made brownies with me in the middle of the night after I've cried to them because I was afraid. No one has taken me on a picnic or to the pond swimming to surprise me." Kasdeya listed off just some of the few things Mountain has done for her.

Mountain smiled, an idea forming in his head. He began to kick off his shoes, taking off his socks in suit. Kasdeya was too distracted by the chocolate-covered strawberries to even notice him take off his shirt, only leaving his sweatpants on. Mountain jumped into the pond, the water splashing Kasdeya as she gasped, looking at the ripples in the water.

"Mountain!" She laughed, waiting for him to resurface.

When he didn't she grew worried, making her take off her vans, slipping off her socks and she was about to reach for her hoodie before something gripped her waist. Kasdeya shrieked as she was dragged into the water, a chill running down her spine as her clothes became drenched. She resurfaced, hearing deep laughter behind her. Kasdeya spun around, glaring at Mountain who couldn't stop laughing. She opened her mouth to say something, but his deep laughter filled her stomach. It gave her butterflies, a feeling she hasn't felt in a long, long time. His curls fell into his eyes, his sandy brown hair looking darker. His green eyes were bright, not due to his abilities, but due to happiness. They weren't in their ghoul forms, in case someone might see the. Not being able to form words, Kasdeya splashed Mountain instead.

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