Ch. 3

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"We have one more fucking song for you tonight!" Copia shouted, turning back to look at Kasdeya. "Come on little one, show them what you can do."

As Kasdeya walked past Copia, she gave him a fist bump, dragging her fingers up her guitar neck as she made her way up front with Dewdrop following, playing the intro to 'Square Hammer'. As they looked out at the stage, Rain came up beside Kasdeya, strumming his bass as the three leaned back. Aether was clapping, until they all stopped at the beat, the cannons going off. Kasdeya playing as rough as she usually did, the four leaving as Copia began to sing. Kasdeya moved back to the front stage, moving her hips back and forth as teased the crowd while playing. Copia was near Aether's stage, Kasdeya placing her foot up as she played her solo, Rain leaning his head forward on her shoulder when he came up behind her. Kasdeya walked away, standing right at the base of the steps leading up to Mountain. She kept playing harder and harder against her strings until she felt it.


Her strings broke. Not just one, but four of the six broke.

Oh fuck me.

Kasdeya took the strap off her body, gripping the guitar neck and swinging it over her shoulder like an axe. She hit the guitar against the stage, repeating the action over and over, smashing the guitar until it was hanging on by the two strings. Kasdeya was breathing deeply, her chest rising and falling. The song was finished by the time she smashed her guitar, she had already played her solo so it was just the outro left. Dewdrop, Rain, and Aether all looked at the girl slightly concerned. Swiss who came down from his stage just as the sparks were falling looked at the girl from the floor. Even Cardi stopped to look at the Fire ghoulette, not expecting her to smash her guitar.

The crowd was screaming at the scene, loving every minute of it. As the ghouls handed their instruments to their guitar techs, Kasdeya handed hers in the pieces it broke in to. They walked back on stage, Kasdeya  sneaking up by Mountain to grab some of his sticks.

"What was that about?" He asked, witnessing the whole scene from where he sat.

   Kasdeya shrugged, "four of my strings broke, it was time for a new guitar anyway. Plus, a good way to end the last Ritual of this year, don't you think?"

Mountain shook his head, laughing as she walked away to toss more picks. He picked up a flower tossed on stage, walking over as they lined up. "For you, Kasdeya." Mountain offered her a white rose, all the memories of Ifrit flashing through Kasdeyas mind.

A strange feeling came over Kasdeya, she had no idea what it was. It felt weird and when she took the rose, it felt stronger. "Thank you, Mountain." Kasdeya held the flower as they all took their bow, holding on to it dearly. The small smile on her face wouldn't leave since Mountain handed Kasdeya the rose, even when being questioned by her friends why she broke her guitar, Kasdeya just answered with an 'I felt like it' and kept looking at the rose.

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