Ch. 26

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They arrived at their first venue, not having time to stop at the hotel, so they all changed on the bus and were ready to go. Kasdeya was sitting on the couch in the green room as they waited to go on stage. Her eyes wandered over to Mountain who was drumming his sticks against the table like he did before every show. This time he was drumming Ritual. Kasdeya sighed, feeling a pang in her heart and her ears picked up how his beat slightly slipped before he continued on the right rhythm.

They exited the room five minutes before they had to be led out. Copia brought them into a huddle, wrapping their arms around each other. "Tonight is the first ritual, let's make it a good one, eh? My two Air ghoulettes, sing as heavenly as ever, you as well Sunshine, but don't over do it for obvious reasons." Sunshine and Aether had told Copia right after they told the group, and the fourth Papa couldn't be happier. "Aether, Swiss, do what you two always do best and be the big boys out there. Rain, tickle their taints so everything is wobbling." Dewdrop nudged his mate, whispering in his ear that his ass better be wobbling by the end. "Our two lovely Fire twins, for tonight, cause havoc, I want to see fire raining out there. Mountain, boy, make this one of your finest beatings yet. Any encouraging words from anyone before we go on?"

Mountain sighed before he spoke out, "We just have to go out there and rock out with our cocks out."

Copia laughed, patting Mountain on the head. "Well said, Mountain."

They disbanded, Mountain being the first led out to the drums. In suit followed Swiss, Cirrus, Cumulus, and Sunshine. Then Aether, Rain, Kasdeya, and Dewdrop were all handed their guitars before being led out. Kasdeya usually would join Rain on the steps, that's where she always started before she made her way later during the show over to her stage that Dewdrop shared with her. But with the new opener, she started on her stage, Dewdrop next to her. She took a deep breath as Imperium finished and she started to intro to Kaisarion. Even with everything she was going through, Kasdeya couldn't help but feel alive as her fingers moved along the fret boards.

The curtain dropped, the cannons going off as the four made their way to the front. Copia came out singing, the four scattering as Kasdeya dn Dewdrop made their way to their shared stage. Both of them placed their legs up on the equipment, Rain joining them later. As they finished Kaisarion, Copia soon led into talking. "Good evening, I hope you're all having a good fucking time!" Copia shouted, the crowd going crazy.

Kasdeya kept glancing over at the steps that led to Mountain. She knew for Rats she would have to be on the steps, so as Mountain did the intro, she walked over, climbing them as she turned to face the crowd. They rolled through Faith and then Spillways before Devil Church was playing and Kasdeya switched out her guitar. Though it was the exact same one as her black and white Hagstrom fantomen, it was tuned differently for certain songs. They moved on to Cirice where Kasdeya couldn't help but feel excited, getting on her knees as she pointed to some guy in the crowd. Kasdeya loved hearing Griftwood play next and then Hunter's Moon, those two becoming favorites of hers. But nothing compared to her ultimate favorite.


"Well, would you like to hear a funny story?" Copia asked, Kasdeya strumming the beginning as she walked past Copia, taking the front stage. "Oh I guess not, go ahead you fucker, take the show away." Kasdeya grinned, loving that she no longer wore her balaclava.

Aether and Dewdrop joined her before Dewdrop was pulled away by Copia, him having to show him how to headbang. Kasdeya on the other hand was having no problem. She always came to life during Ritual, and the fans loved it. Her favorite was the ending solo, which of course she stood on Aether's stage to play. But as they both finished, the twins dragged out the never ending note. Aether first looked at Dewdrop because he was louder and he started to walk towards him but then Kasdeya turned her volume up and started to play with her whammy, gaining Aether's attention.

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