Ch. 27

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"needle and the thread gotta get you out of my head, needle in and the thread, gonna wind up dead" stitches -shawn mendes

Rain and Dewdrop were even more attached on stage than before they were mates. Dewdrop would yank Rain down to meet him during Year Zero. And the fans have noticed how Rain has become more bold, he would even smack Dewdrops ass when he would walk past. By all means, the crowd was loving this.

During one of the shows, Dewdrop did what he normally did to Rain during Year Zero. He dragged his hand slowly up Rains chest, wrapping it around his throat as he tilted Rain to look at him. Dewdrop could see the bright glow of his blue eyes, Rain seeing his glowing amber. Rain pressed his mask against Dewdrops, it took everything in the bassist to not rip down his balaclava and kiss Dewdrop right there. So instead, Rain shifted his back to the crowd, pulling down his balaclava as he dragged his tongue up Dewdrops neck. Dewdrop froze feeling his tongue drag against the fabric of his balaclava, standing in shock as Rain walked away cockily.

Dewdrop walked over to Swiss' stage, Swiss crouching as his friend came over while Copia talked. He tilted his head, looking down at Dewdrop. "You want a hit?" Dewdrop shook his head, adjusting his pants, Swiss caught on and smirk. "Don't think I didn't see what Rain did to you, did that little fucker give you a boner?"

"Shut up," Dewdrop snarled, "I'm not going to be able to concentrate while I'm hard."

Swiss laughed, "Take a hit, it'll help."

Dewdrop took his vape, taking a long drag before returning it to him. He tried his best to use his guitar to cover his crotch to keep his erection hidden away from the crowd. He tried to stay away from Rain, sticking near Kasdeya and Aether.

"Why are you avoiding Rain?" Kasdeya asked, strumming her guitar as she placed her back against Dewdrops.

"He's being a fucking flirt! The bitch gave me a boner just from licking me. I love how he's coming out of his shell on stage more and more but fuck man, I'm not going to be able to get through shows if he acts this way." Dewdrop groaned, Kasdeya laughing at her brother.

"That's pathetic," Kasdeya pushed off her brother's back, going to her microphone to sing the backing vocals.

When she was finished and walked back Dewdrop walked over to her, "As pathetic as you and Mountain right now? Are you two even speaking? It's awkward enough with everything, but you just putting everything off makes it all worse for us."

Kasdeya took a few steps back, looking at Dewdrop as she gripped the neck of her guitar tightly. "Fuck you!" She spat, walking off stage before they played the last song.

Aether and Rain approached Dewdrop, looking at him while Kasdeya stormed off stage. "Where the fuck is she going?" Aether asked, knowing that they were going to have to switch everything around for Square Hammer.

Dewdrop rolled his eyes, walking to the front stage where Copia did a double-take seeing Dewdrop and not Kasdeya. "Finish it off there, buddy!"

As Kasdeya stormed off, Mountain watched from his stage, feeling a pang in his chest. He threw his head back, taking heavy breaths as he tried to focus. Cumulus looked at him with concern, also noticing how Kasdeya ran off. All he wanted to do was chase after her, but he couldn't, he had to finish the show.

Kasdeya went to her dressing room, locked the door behind her, and slid down the door. She threw her mask to the ground, ripping off her balaclava, and throwing it alongside her mask. She cried into her hands, feeling everything grow warm around her. She needed to get it together or she could lose control. And the one person who kept her in control wasn't speaking to her.

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