Ch. 23

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Aether knew, of course, he knew. His powers made telling very easy. It took one look at her and he felt the pull, it was strong and stable, like a rope used to tie a boat. Not like a pathetic string that children give you with random beads on it. No. This was strong. He just prayed to Satan that she felt it too because if she didn't, Aether knew he probably wouldn't find anyone else like her.

Her name was Sunshine, and she was beautiful. He helped her out with learning the vocals and getting to know the church. She bumped into him one day during the cycle, and immediately she could feel his migraine.

"Are you okay?" She asked softly, knowing that a lot could make a migraine worse, such as speaking in a normal volume.

"Just a headache," Aether waved her off, all he wanted to do was just lie down in his room.

"Lying is stupid, my Quintessence abilities are stronger than most, I can feel your migraine. Let me help you," Sunshine grabbed his arm, closing her pink eyes as she tried to relieve the agonizing pain in his head. She opened her eyes, giving Aether a small smile. "Obviously I couldn't take away all the pain, but it's now just a mere headache."

Aether was baffled, never before has he been able to feel this kind of relief, not even Omega could do that for him. But a newly summoned Multi ghoulette for that matter could do it with only being here for a few days. "Th-thank you," Aether stumbled over his words, he was lost for them.

Sunshine grinned, "I'll come and check on you later, but I suggest taking a nap," she walked away after that. And she stayed true to her word. A few hours later, after Aether had fallen asleep, there was a soft knocking at his door.

"Who is it?" He asked quietly, a cool rag on his head.

"Sunshine," she said softly.

"Come in," Aether sat up, leaning against the headboard.

She opened the door, walked over, and sat on the bed, "How do you feel?"

"Still a mere headache thanks to you," Aether complemented, Sunshine blushing at his words. "I owe you," he said while leaning closer to her. Sunshine looked deeply into his purple eyes, allowing Aether to press his lips against her.

"I know another way to distract you from your headache," Sunshine said while pulling away from the kiss.

"And what is that?"Aether inquired, watching as Sunshine shuffled herself to her knees on the ground. She glanced up at him through her lashes, a playful smirk on her lips as her hands went to his zipper. "Satan, I got lucky with you."

"Mark me, tonight," Sunshine whispered, pressing one last kiss to Aether's lips.


"I'm pregnant," Sunshine whispered.

She looked at Aether, scared of how he was going to react. His expression was blank, the muscular ghoul still processing the words that came out of his mate's mouth.

"You're pregnant. And you're positive?" Aether asked, leaning back against the sink.

Sunshine nodded, swallowing the lump in her throat, "I was late by two weeks and stole a test from Kasdeya's room."

"Okay," Aether nodded slowly, "are we going to exercise your legal right to choose? Or do you want to have this baby?"

"What do you want?" Sunshine asked, she was sure about her answer but loved Aether and did not want to lose him.

"Sunny, this is 100% your choice, but I love you, and I want this baby with you if that's what you want." Aether watched for her reaction, a smile breaking out on Sunshine's face.

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