Ch. 11

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Mountain grabbed the potted plant, throwing on a pair of slip-on vans as he yanked his door open. Mountain sprinted through the corridors, running up stairs to run down stairs. He took a left, taking two rights, down a small flight of stairs, turning back left, turning around once he realized he had gone to far. Finally, he went down the small staircase, hiding himself behind a pillar in the shadow.

Fuck, Mountain cursed in his head, seeing a guard present outside the freezer door. He was about to change his hiding space but he heard the sound of leather slapping against something, a scream followed by a cry, and then the sound of the large metal door opening and closing.

"That will teach the bitch," Mountain heard one say, him growing angry for what they called Kasdeya.

"I have Gin in my drawer, you want to go take a break? I don't think that thing is going anywhere anytime soon." The other voice asked, Mountain pressing himself deeper in the shadows as they walked past him.

Mountain waited 38 seconds, yes he counted, until he moved, knowing they were far enough away. Mountain went to the freezer door, seeing Kasdeya lying on the ground, her body not moving. Shit shit shit, Mountain set the plant down, closing his eyes. He opened them, seeing the vines slowly grow up, them reaching for the lock. Mountain focused on getting the vines into the contraption, having each one pick the tiny locks on the inside. Come on, come on, Mountain pleaded to himself.


"Yes," Mountain grinned, pushing the door open. "Kas," he whispered her name, stepping in the room where the cold hit him instantly. It had to be well below zero degrees and even Mountain was starting to feel the effects of the cold. How was Kasdeya even alive?

Mountain quickly crossed the room, bending down to Kasdeya's level. He rolled her over, her arms ice cold. "Fuck Kas," Mountain mumbled, stroking her hair. "Come on, wake up Kas." Mountain pleaded, wishing Kasdeya would wake up.

She began coughing, her body shaking as her amber eyes found Mountains green ones. "Mountain?" She stuttered, feeling his warm hands on her body. Her lips were blue and her skin was pale, Mountain knowing she didn't have much time left.

"Fuck, stay awake Kas, you need help." Mountain scooped Kasdeya up bridal style, rushing out of the room. She curled up against his chest, her tail wrapping around his arm limply. Mountain sprinted with Kasdeya in his arms, running to a door which he knew would help the girl.

After knocking with his foot multiple times, the door swung open. Very angry and tired purple eyes met his scared green ones. "What?" Omega asked bitterly before his eyes dropped down to Kasdeya, immediately feeling the pain she was experiencing.

"Help her," Mountain begged.

Omega opened the door up wider, Zephyr rolling over in the bed to see who was there. "What's going on?"

"Zeph, I need you to move please. Grab my kit underneath the sink," Omega said with urgency, shooing his mate out of their bed. Zephyr saw that it was Kasdeya and he waisted no time. "Why didn't you go to the infirmary?" Omega asked while he stripped the top layer of his bed, throwing an old blanket over it.

"Because they would ask questions and tell Imperator." Mountain explained, setting Kasdeya down gently.

"Fuck, this is Imperators doing?"

"Mhm, freezer."

"Dear Satan," Zephyr gasped, handing Omega his kit of medical supplies.

Kasdeya whimpered as she laid on her back, Omega rolling her over and lifting up her hoodie. His eyes went wide, Zephyr gasping at what he saw. Mountain walked around the bed, seeing the bruises and welts covering her back.

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