Ch. 16

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"you picked a dance with the devil, and you lucked out." swim -chase atlantic

The ghouls had the next day off, Copia had meetings all day, and continued writing off of Kasdeya's song. So, Dewdrop being the ghoul he is, suggested they go clubbing. And of course, they all agreed. So they were on their way to the club, Aether driving one car with Swiss, Sunshine, Cumulus, and Cirrus. And Rain drove the other with Dewdrop, Mountain, and Kasdeya.

Mountain and Kasdeya sat in the back, Kasdeya leaning against Mountain's side. "You look beautiful," he nuzzled her neck, pressing a kiss to her skin.

Kasdeya blushed, biting her lip as she smiled. She was in a tight, rather short black dress that hugged her curves nicely. Her hair was curled due to Cumulus' begging and Sunshine did a smokey-eye look for her makeup. Cirrus just complimented Kasdeya, calling her hot and it's reason like her that she's into women and not men.

"Thank you," she kissed his cheek.

"If I have to hear this shit from you two all night I will strangle one of you," Dewdrop grumbled. He wasn't mad at them for being mates, he just did not need to hear all the sappy-gross couple shit.

Kasdeya rolled her eyes, "It's not my fault you haven't been laid in a while."

Dewdrop's neck grew warm, "I-" he glanced sideways before looking out the window. "Shut up."

Rain chuckled, parking the car once they arrived. They all walked in together when Aether pulled in next to them. The music was loud enough that their voices would blend together. Kasdeya looked over at Sunshine, winking at her before dragging both of them over to the bar. Both ordered a beer and a tray of shots, waiting for the bartender to give them their drinks.

"I thought you weren't supposed to drink?" Sunshine asked loudly over the music.

Kasdeya shook her head, "my rule is to not drink if it has something to do with my father. When I drink because of him, it gets worse. But I can drink for fun when I'm out."

Someone slid in behind Kasdeya, pressing his chest against her back. Sunshine screwed up her face in disgust at the guy, Kasdeya rolling her eyes. "Do you mind?" She asked, shoving the guy off of her as she spun around.

He grinned, moving his blonde hair out of his face. "I thought maybe I could buy you a drink, and your friend here one too."

Sunshine went to speak but Kasdeya cut her off. "Well, we already ordered two beers and a tray of shots for our girlfriends that we came with. But I can't seem to remember where I left my wallet." Kasdeya said with a pout, Sunshine watching in disbelief.

"Well, I'm not going to let a pretty thing like you not have fun tonight." He pulled out his wallet, paying the bartender for his drinks and what the girls ordered.

"Thank you," Kasdeya picked up her beer, carrying the tray of shots as Sunshine grabbed her beer. They both looked at each other before laughing, wheezing as they went to find the rest of their friends.

"Sunny! Kas!" Both girls heard Cirrus' voice, they made their way over to their brown-haired friend. "Took you guys long enough."

"Kas here flirted with some douche to get us free drinks." Sunshine laughed as she took a sip of her beer.

"You did what?" Mountain asked a beer in his own hand.

Kasdeya shrugged, cupping Mountain's cheek with her free hand after she set the tray down. "He pressed himself against me, I told him to shove off by then he offered and hey, I'm not going to say no to free drinks for us."

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