Ch. 8

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Mountain was just about to finish the second movie that him and Aether had started that night. Their talk had kept him up unlike Aether who was snoring on the sofa, his head back on the rest while he held a pillow to a chest. He really was the dad of the group, Mountain though with a smile on his face. His ears picked up the sound of shoes quietly slapping against the corridor floor in the early hour of the day.

He turned his head, a warm feeling rushing through his body as he was her pass the opening. "What is she up to?" Mountain asked aloud in a whisper. He stood up, not bothering to stretch as he looked to his left, seeing Kasdeya turn a corner. She was heading toward the door to the greenhouse. Why was Mountain's thought. Especially at this hour.

He quietly crept behind Kasdeya, waiting to open the door and follow her. He made sure there was enough space between them so she didn't hear him. Kasdeya kept walking into the woods, following the paths until she turned down one that Mountain didn't even know was there. He took a step forward to follow, but his foot landed on a tree branch, snapping it underneath him. Mountain ducked behind a tree before Kasdeya could see him.

Kasdeya turned her head, looking at where the sound came from. It was loud in the quiet forest, but yet there was nothing there. She shrugged, continuing to follow the path. See, for Kasdeya, her cycle not only made her hormones and over all emotions heighten, it made her power surge. Her abilities always felt like they needed to be let go, wanting to be free from her keeping them at bay. Imperator never let (or liked) the ghouls to use their abilities, especially Fire ghouls. So her first year here, Kasdeya went for a walk in the woods because if she stayed in the church listening to Imperator go on and on about how she didn't want Kasdeya there and make Terzo send her back, she was going to explode. Kasdeya couldn't keep it in anymore, falling to her knees as she let out a scream, she scorched the ground all around her. The trees were charred and there was even a pentagram burned into the ground. She tried to fix the area, planting new trees or flowers but they would die right away. So Kasdeya dragged Graveyard out one day, asking him to fix it with his abilities. But the Earth ghoul was unsuccessful.

   Kasdeya now used the spot to let her fire flow free every cycle. Kasdeya sat in the middle of the circle, closing her eyes as she felt her body grow hotter. Kasdeya's fire sometimes had a mind of its own, especially on her cycle. When she let it leave her hand, it went around the circle of the pentagram. Kasdeya opened her eye, opening her eyes, then growing a brighter amber as her fire grew as well. She opened her hands, the flames growing as Kasdeya shot them into the sky. She couldn't help but laugh, loving the feeling of her power being free. She let the flames roll off her arms, it moving on the ground as if it was dancing.

Mountain couldn't help but smile as he watched Kasdeya. She looked so much happier being her true self, not being forced to hide who she is like Imperator has them do. It was rare to see Kasdeya's smile lately, to see a true, happy smile. Mountain leaned against a tree, watching as she danced around her fire, something that made a warm feeling (that wasn't the fire) rush through Mountain.

   Kasdeya froze when she heard a chuckle. Immediately she spun around, all of the fire disappearing when she saw Mountain leaning against a tree. He had an adorable smile on his face, another chuckle escaping his soft looking lips in the moon light. What the fuck? Kasdeya's thoughts were all over the place.

   "How long have you been there?" She asked, her voice timid which was something new to Mountain.

"I was in the common room when you walked past. I was curious so I followed you to where looks like a sacrifice would happen." Mountain smirked, Kasdeya blushing.

"It's where I come to let go. I lost control my first year out here and the trees and shit have never grown back. And I have no idea how a pentagram was scorched permanently on the ground." She giggled, Mountain's knees almost giving out just from the sound.

   "Does anyone else know about it?" He asked, pushing himself off the tree.


   "Well I promise to not tell a soul," Mountain smiled, noticing how Kasdeya's eyes grew wide. "What?"

   "The tree, it's...alive?" Kasdeya walked forward, dragging her fingers up the bark, a cool feeling to it as if it had just rained.

   "What do you mean?" Mountain asked in a confused tone.

   Kasdeya looked at the ground where Mountain was walking, the grass a fresh green beneath him. "Holy shit!" She laughed, kneeling to feel the grass. "Grass hasn't grown here in eight years."

   "And it randomly does now?"

   "It must be your abilities being heightened due to your cycle," Kasdeya mused.

   An idea popped into Mountain's head, the ghoul grinning. He closed his eyes, opening his palms as green dust left his hands. All the scorched and burned plants and tree began to thrive again, everything turning green in the moonlight. Everything except the pentagram. Kasdeya couldn't help but smile, looking up at Mountain. He looked at her with a smile on his face, the look in Kasdeya's eyes showing how happy she truly is. He wished she was always this happy, but it seems like when she is, she's with him.

Mountain offered Kasdeya a hand, standing the ghoulette up. He walked backward, still holding onto Kasdeya's hands. He stood them in the middle of the pentagram, Mountain conjuring up a vine of white daisies from the ground, plucking one off the stem. He placed it behind Kasdeya's ear, a blush across the ghoulettes cheeks. She couldn't help but bite back her smile, glancing up at Mountain through her lashes.



   Neither of them said anything, Mountain's hands brushing along Kasdeya's cheeks. They never dropped after he put the flower in her hair, playing with the few strands that fell into her face.



   Mountain slowly leaned down, his hands cupping Kasdeya's jaw. She tilted her head up, her hands resting on his chest, playing with the collar of his shirt. There was barely an inch between the two's lips, neither having enough courage to close the gap. Mountain was the one to move forward, slowly closing the gap between them.


   Kasdeya and Mountain jumped back from each other, seeing a naked Swiss run past them. He did a twirl, Kasdeya looking away because she did not need to see Swiss' dick spinning with him. Mountain was looking up, trying to suppress his laugh. Swiss tripped over a tree root, his ass in the air as he fell.

   "MONKEY!" Dewdrop ran by in his boxers and his boxers only. He pointed at Swiss' ass, "fucking bare butt monkey." He laughed, nearly falling over his own feet.

   The two ran away after that, leaving Kasdeya and Mountain alone. They looked at each other before bursting out in laughter, Kasdeya wheezing before she could control herself.

   "How high are they?" Mountain chuckled, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck.

   "I smelt weed coming from Swiss' room, didn't know Dew was with him." Her laughter quieted down.

   The two looked at each other, their cheeks both red from the moment they were having and about to have. Neither wanted to talk about what just happened to them, both afraid to.

   "We should probably head back, it's almost three." Mountain suggested.

   Kasdeya nodded, walking next to Mountain as her mind wandered. She didn't want Mountain to suggest that they leave, she wanted him to say something else. To do something else. But instead, they just walked side by side, their hands occasionally brushing.

   They made it back to the church, the two of them saying goodnight to each other. Kasdeya watched as Mountain walked back to his room, the ghoulette leaning against the wall. "What are you doing, Kas?" She spoke to herself, running her hands through her hair.

   "Ghoul out at night!"

   "Get her!"

   "What the fuck!? Get off of me!"

sorry it's short and sorry it took forever to get out. it's been a week let's just say. I promise next chapter will be better

hope you liked it

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