Ch. 19

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Kasdeya clawed at her father's wrist, her vision going spotty from the lack of oxygen. She began to cough underneath the water, inhaling it as she tried to breathe. Her grip loosened on his arms, and Kasdeya felt herself drowning. Jerry stopped holding her under the water, Kasdeyas thrashing coming to a halt for once and all. He picked her up out of the water, her body limp as he held her up. He only chuckled, he was finally able to kill the little shit. Her eyes were closed, Jerry not having to look into the amber eyes that they shared. What he didn't see was Kasdeyas claws growing longer as her hands dangled beside her body.

In one quick motion, Kasdeya brought her claws up to his neck, slicing open the skin. And the carotid artery. Jerry dropped Kasdeya, her body slamming against the ground, the wind being knocked out of her. He wrapped his hands around his throat, choking on his blood as he took steps back. He fell to his knees, Kasdeya watching as he died in front of her. When his body hit the ground, Kasdeya rolled onto her back, her body growing cold.

"Mountain," she whispered, her body shivering as she felt her body heat leave. Her lungs were still filled with water, her chest feeling heavy and contracted. Kasdeya heard her heartbeat thumping loudly throughout her body, it was slow, slow, slow. Her eyes grew heavy, she was accepting her death. She prayed to Satan that Mountain would understand.

"KAS!" Her eyes flew open, meeting the cold, dead eyes of her dad. The dead eyes of her father. She looked at the gash on his neck, the cut that she caused that resulted in his death. But he was above her, wrapping his hands around her throat. He picked her up and slammed her head against the ground, her skull smacking hard. He strangled her and continued to beat her against the ground. Kasdeya could feel her head starting to bleed, her head screaming in pain. Kasdeya was sure she was screaming. She felt the tears running down her face, begging with what little air she had for him to stop.

"Kas!" He screamed.




Kasdeya shot up in bed, not being able to breathe as she clawed at her chest. She rubbed at it up and down, gasping as she was still choking. She felt hands on her face, then pulling her to look at him. Mountain sat there looking scared out of his mind as his mate was having a panic attack before him.

"I- I can't- can't breathe," Kasdeya gasped, her vision blurred by tears.

Mountain ran his hands through her hair, "Kas, breathe with me, okay? In deeply through your nose, out through your mouth slowly." Kasdeya shook her head, still hyperventilating even after Mountain wrapped his arms around her. He held her tightly, knowing that holding her tightly would help. "Breathe with me, Kas, follow with me." Kasdeya listened to his heartbeat, hearing the steady beat as she breathed with Mountain. Her hyperventilating slowly turned into hiccups, Mountain slowly rocking her back and forth just like he had the night before, and the night before that, and before that.

"What was it this time?" He asked, pulling her back against his chest as he laid them back down in her bed.

Kasdeya swallowed, taking a few deep breaths before she spoke. "I saw what I saw when I killed him, but he was still alive and strangling me. He was choking me to death while slamming my head against the ground. He had a dead look to his eyes, well, because he is dead." She stammered, hiccups still escaping her lips.

Mountain pressed a kiss to the top of her head, laying his cheek on top of her head. "I'm right here, Kas. He's gone forever, he will never get to you again."

Kasdeya wanted to believe Mountain, but she knew that he will always get to her. Dead or alive. She let him hold her throughout the night, but Kasdeya couldn't fall back asleep. She stared at the alarm clock on the nightstand, watching each hour go by until it was seven in the morning. She detangled herself from Mountain, allowing him to sleep in. She changed her clothes, walked to the common room, and seated herself on the couch. She had Kovu on her lap, holding her cat to her chest as she bundled herself in a blanket.

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