Ch. 22

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"Fuck all of you," Dewdrop groaned. He was in a pissy mood since this morning, and they were all (except Rain) hanging out in the common room trying to watch a movie but no one was paying attention. "Why can't any of you just shut up and watch the goddamn movie?"

"Dew, why are you so pissed off?" Kasdeya asked as she was curled up against Mountains side.

"I can be fucking pissed off, Kas," Dewdrop glared at her, Kasdeya putting her hands up in defeat. Dewdrop just groaned again, getting up and going to his room.

He opened the door, slamming it as he did which startled Rain, "What's wrong, Firecracker?"

"They're all pissing me off," Dewdrop fell on top of Rain, wrapping his arms around his waist. He curled himself up against Rain, purring when he felt his mate run his hands through his long hair. "I just want cuddles and pets, please?"

"Of course, Firecracker," Rain kissed the top of his head. He ran his hands through Dewdrops hair, using his body temperature to cool him down, seeing that he was very hot. Dewdrop purred at Rains gentle touch, snuggling more against his mate. Fuck, how did he wait that many years to have this? He wished he would've told Rain the day of his summoning.

"You can't tell a soul about this," Dewdrop mumbled as he slowly felt himself falling asleep.

"I promise I won't tell anyone," Rain reassured him again. Dewdrop only showed his soft side to Rain, and he didn't want anyone else to know about it. So every time he brings it up to Rain to not tell anybody, he always reassured him. Rain rubbed his back and got little rumbly purrs back in response. He knew Dewdrop was asleep, so he turned the lights off and fell asleep himself with his mate.

In the early morning of the next day Rain was woken up to the smell of smoke and swearing. He followed the smell, seeing Dewdrop attempting to cook...something. He had no idea what it was and kind of wished he went with the others out to town for breakfast because whatever Dewdrop was attempting to cook was now burning. A fire started and that's when Rain decided to step in. He put the fire out, seeing Dewdrop running his hand under cold water.

"Did you burn yourself?"


"Why didn't you put on oven mitts or use a towel to move the pan?"

"Because I didn't think of that."

Rain smiled, taking Dewdrops hurt hand into his. He was able to cool the burn, making Dewdrop sigh at the relief of pain.

"I'm sorry I ruined breakfast for you, I was just trying to do something special for you and I fucking ruin it," Dewdrop rambled, glaring at the stove.

"Hey," Rain placed his hands on both sides of Dewdrops face, "it was very sweet and kind of you to make me breakfast. You did a good job and it's okay that it was ruined. I wouldn't have this moment with you any other way. I would have loved whatever you were trying to make me."

"An omelet with all your favorite toppings," Dewdrop mumbled, casting his gaze down.

"Well I would have loved it, I love omelettes and I'm sure yours would have been amazing," Rain leaned in to kiss Dewdrop. Dewdrop wrapped his non-injured hand around the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. Rain groaned into the kiss, pressing against Dewdrop and moving him to lean against the counter.

Dewdrop pulled away only for a minute, "Are we really going to be the ones that fuck in the kitchen?"

Rain thought, smirking as he pulled Dewdrop by the collar of his shirt back to his room. He shoved Dewdrop down on the bed, climbing on top of him as he began to attack his neck. Dewdrop groaned, his hands going to Rains waist. He held onto him tightly, knowing he was gonna leave bruises on his mate. But Dewdrop found it hot. And so did Rain.

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