chapter 4-Alice's trouble

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next day Alice was not sure what to do, how to react. what should she say when she meet's him. TBH she was not sure if she could make an eye contact with him after yesterdays conversation. but very soon Alice got her answers. jay did not come to college that day nor the day after that. Alice got restless. she asked jake who replied that he did no know, he was obviously lying. the first week past and Alice anxiety grew. she was dying to see jay again.

why did he go?what was the reason? did he hate himself for disclosing his feelings for her? or was it that he thought that he might be coming closer to her?

All these questions, exploded Alice's mind wanting to know their answer as soon as she can or else these might drive her crazy.


it was the 13th, Alice was driving with jenna and jake, she was telling them that how from the past couple of weeks she had not have a proper conversation with her mother as she was always indulged with her office work when she received a call from an unknown number. She prayed hard that may it be jay. but when she picked up the phone she busted into tears. She asked jake to hurry and take her to the CityStarling hospital. she just had got the news that her mother had a brain hemorrhage.


jenna and jake rushed to the hospital and consoled Alice that all will be fine and soon her mother will be healthy again, but Alice just could not stop crying. the fear of losing her mother was just so bad for Alice.

after couple of hours it started getting dark. Alice persuaded jake and jenna to go home who wanted to stay with her. Atlast she was successful.


it was 3 A.M and Alice just could not stop crying. she hadn't eaten anything and was all alone in the dark corridor of the hospital. her was sitting on the red sofa opposite of the room in which her mother was admitted in and her head was buried in her lap.

''Alice'' a voice called from behind. Alice knew this voice, how could she not she loved it. she looked up and saw there he was. black trousers, white t-shirt and a blue zipper


she ran up to him and hugged him. she immediately started crying.

''hey hey hey angle. please don't cry. you mother will be alright soon..''

just before jay could finish the sentence the doctor came and asked about Alice. she went over there and after a few minutes she stumbled on the floor.

jay ran towards her. her mother was no more in this world, the doctors did all they could but she had taken so much pressure on herself.

for a moment Alice hovered between heaven and hell, through cold reasons and destructive emotions and in the end summoning up her strength she stood up.

''no this cannot be possible, my mother cannot die! she cannot leave me here alone!''

''alice, she is gone the faster you cope up with the reality the better. and Alice look into my eyes! you are not alone, i am with you.''

jay hugged her tightly.

''You disappeared as well leaving me alone once, you might as well do it again''

''okay now you have to listen to me now Alice. do you know that on the very first day i called you 'angel' not because i didn't know your name but because you looked like an angle from the very first sight when you walked passed me. yes! blue jeans grey shirt, you walked in and my eyes burnt. i looked at you with the corner of my eye and knew that this was the sight i want to see for the rest of my life. Alice simplicity is your charm, that charm that stole my heart and for disappearing all of a sudden, i'm sorry like i told you before it was for your own betterment. i cannot put my angel's life into danger''

''why do you keep on saying that jay? i love you and will go under any hardship as long as i get to stay with you''

''that's the point, no matter how hard you try you cannot accept me, my life is under a constant threat! listen Alice please stay strong, i know you are and this time i promise i will not leave you.''

''oh jay! i have no one left in this world now''

''no angel no, you have me, as long as i can i will stand by your side''


oh gosh this chapter! guy's there's a lot more coming up. i hope you're enjoying it xxx

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