chapter 15

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It was dark there where they took Alice. She remembered the first date with jay, in the forest. she forgave him and was ready to accept the truth. all of a sudden she was ready to adapt to the change maybe because she knew that the end was near or perhaps she wasn't ready to accept it.  

''hey what does that  jay boy call you? aah yes 'Angel' Don't be afraid of the dark. or if you like we can give you company'' All the men started to laugh. she didn't know how many but she was surrounded.

''I have loved the nightly loneliness to fondly to be afraid of the dark'' she said with a fire in her voice.

''ooo, the missi can speak. lets not budge her much, sir's orders. close the door and make sure you lock it tight'' said one of the men from behind. and then the noise just disappeared followed with a slam of a door.

''jay, i'm sorry.'' she said slowly and cried. 

Alice fell a sleep while crying but soon woke up when the door creaked open. she narrowed her eyes because after the night of darkness the sun seemed to powerful and unbearable.

''wake up, and talk to jay'' said a fat man.He had the eyes of a devil and Alice could see the badness in his eyes.  he grabbed Alice hair  and pulled in slightly back and he whispered in her ear

''tell jay to come here, that's it. Don't say anything else.DO YOU UNDERSTAND?''

she nodded 

''Good.Now what you looking at call jay''

she dialed his number. it rang and jay picked up the phone before the second ring

''hello? Alice?'' he said in a worried tone.

''jay, i'm alright please listen to me..' she started to speak quickly 

''what ever happens don't come here to save me. please they have a bad plan and they...''

the fat man took the phone.

''THEY WANT TO HURT YOU'' she screamed. the fat man slapped alice hard on her cheek. 

''That's what you get for disobeying me.'' he turned the mobile speaker on. 

''lover boy, you want to save your little angel? come and get her.''

''i will but don't harm her.''

''JAY DON'T'' he slapped her again and this time wrapped a cloth around her math

''that'll keep her fat mouth shut, now where were we? yes. are you coming or not?''

''yes i am where do i have to come? and what guarantee i have that you will leave Alice?''

''haha, cleaver boy. you have my word i will escort her home safely ONLY if you come alone. or else we will kill you and your Juliet here. oh and if you make any call to the police or 911, we have a tracker. so yeah, do you agree?

''YES please don't harm her please...'' her ended the call. Alice was left there mumbling and screaming but that didn't bother the man. he slammed the door shut and locked it up.

Alice simply prayed that jay would not come, ever.!


it was way past midnight, when the door opened. it was jay. Alice opened her eyes and saw only one lantern, the rest was dark as the night before.

''You shouldn't have come''

she was still sitting on the hard cold ground. they did not feed her she lacked the energy to stand up.

jay stood on the door with a guard behind him. you have 5 minutes with her, and shut the door, went out.

''what have they done? look at you.''

he fell to the ground next to Alice. he held her dull face in his hands and stared into her eyes. He strummed his hands gently across her skin, it was like, he was playing the slowest love song that only they could hear.

''see angel what happens when you open yourself too much, people can fall in and hurt themselves, And look, i've hurt the one person i promised i wouldn't.''

''Please go back, they won't hurt me but they have a bad plan for you jay. Go please.''

''don't be mistaken, they are my father's enemies, stronger then my father. they can hurt anyone and kill them. I will do anything to keep you safe. even if that cost's my lif..''

Alice covered his mouth with her hand. and hugged him

''listen to me, no matter who enters your life, i will love you more than him..'' Alice was about to cut off.

''No Alice, listen to me. You know what, You are beautiful, you're perfect, you're absolutely wonderful. never change for somebody else. you're marvelous just the way you are. so continue to be marvelous because you deserve to be. continue being you.I want every piece of me to crash into every piece of you, I swear to god that's how they make stars.You have my whole heart. You always did.Yes, terrible things happen, but sometimes those terrible things—they save you. and there is a terrible thing up ahead but this will save you-saving you will save me.i have so much to say. I don't know where to start. i am sorry for all the shocks i gave you and all the times i hurt you please forgive me. I really want to grow old with you angel. please just remember one thing i was only a chapter in your life but for me you were my whole book.''

''why are you saying that jay? you will come back. you will grow old with me. do you know something? when do you realize that you really truly love someone, when they break your heart and you still love them.yes jay i forgave never broke my heart but you transformed it into a compass that only points to you. it wasn't your fault it was your fathers.please stop saying this i know you will come back''

''Alice , i will come back. but be waiting.move on.Everything I love has either ruined me or watched as I ruined it instead.i love you and i will love you till my last breath.Do not feel lonely, My entire universe is inside you.stay strong like you are. All this may seem stupid but soon you'll understand why i said all this.''

jay kissed Alice. it was like never before. it was as if a homeless finds a home.As a hungry man finds  food. as a  man dying from thirst  finds , a sea! He kissed her like her lips were air and he couldn't breathe.

He knew that this was it.

Until she broke the kiss, and her eyes welled up with tears.

I'm sorry, he said. and the gaurds took alice away. 

''No please, jay i want to be with you. please leave me'' she screamed as she struggled  to evade from the clutches of the guards


outside in the car she saw jake. who hugged alice and assured her everything will be fine.

''you knew about this jake?''

''yes alice.''


'i am sorry alice but he is strong, he will come back. but for now i am taking you to his house.''

''wait jay's house? but he never allows someone to go there.''

''yes, there is a reason behind that. you'll see.''


hey people. the story is coming to an end. please do give your feed backs. i'll be looking forward to them.x

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