chapter 17- Last chapter :')

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During the journey, Alice said nothing. She was just curled up in a ball and kept staring out of the window. The day was dark and gray. It looked like the weather too was sad and in moments It would burst into tears.

 They stopped in front of large house. It was surrounded well by guards. 

''maybe that's why he doesn't let anyone into his house. Just look at the guards. Of course people will get suspicious.'' Said Jake. 

''right so jay asked me to take all the required things form here and get you to his second most favorite place on earth. Oh, Alice jay asked me to give you this key. He said you'll soon figure it out what it's meant for. Let's go Alice.''

 They went passed the guards by telling that they were sent by jay and soon enough they were in the house. The house was lavishing with the latest interior and all that one can possibly imagine. Jake went to the kitchen and grabbed the food which will be later on needed by Alice. Meanwhile Alice was touring the house, she stopped at a door which had those funky signs on it like 'stop, danger' and 'trespassers will be killed' she laughed and said


She knew this was jay's room. She knew him well to judge this. The door was locked; she glanced to the golden key that was tight in her hand. She fixed it in the key hole and turned it. *crick* came a noise and the door opened. She glanced all over the room. It was amazing. Better than the beach house room. It has a flat screen TV. A football shaped bean bag. Several trophies and certificates and...and a wall with Alice's photographs. She looked at them and she realized that these shots were taken at the photography class. She smiled. They were candid shots she kept looking and found the pictures of the day they danced after the movie. Alice's expressions in the picture though were funny, they were worth saving. She instantly busted into tears. She watched all the memories, the memories that she wanted to bring back so badly, go up in smoke. 

''oh jay, I miss you! Only if you hadn't came to save me. Only if'' 

Jake who was standing in the door said. 

''you know Alice; he wouldn't have left any stone unturned to get you safe. I knew from the start about him and I knew it was right for him to be an introvert. But when you arrived, you cast some sort of spell on him. He had a miserable life before, but after you came into his black life, it lightened up. He used to smile in solidarity, without any reason. He used to take care of himself, of his looks. You were the best thing that happened to him. And one thing I know, if jay does not come back, then he would be far more happier to die for someone for whom he'd swore to keep safe'' 

''don't say that! He will be back. He promised Me.!''Jake patted on her back and said''Alice if you are here, then jay is nearby. I can see him in your eyes, he lives within you. he is a part of you now! 


jake drove alice to a hill side with one small log house. the wind was blowing on the hill and was more fresh and cold as compared to the city. A handful of tress and lots of flowers made the place heaven. it was very beautiful. there was a dead end from which, if you look down, can get you frightened by it's depth

 ''this is where jay spends most of his time. he comes here when he is happy or sad. this is more than a house. whenever jay is no where to be found, I always come here and find him. That make two of us who know about this place now.''

 ''whats that?'' asked Alice pointing to a stone type thing. 

 ''that's his mother's grave, he loves to talk to her about everything. he would often sit on the edge of the this hill and just stare blankly at the deadly drop below. I'm sure his mother knows about you too.'' 

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