chapters 3

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''JENNAAA what should i do, how should i return the shirt? i think i should go to his place!''

''yeah, Alice only jake now's where jay lives and plus jay does not like visitors.''

before Alice could reply, jake entered the room and shouted

''it's jay's birthdayyyyy''

''OH DAMN! I FORGOT! hurry Jenna lets go! we have loads of shopping to do. plus i have to buy jay a perfect gift that i haven't decided yet!''

after that Jake, Jenna and Alice left for shopping. Alice got jay a really great gift,  A watch. well she used up all of her allowance of the month and was now broke. she didn't know about the stuff jay likes, so she decided to buy the 'evergreen' classic gifts.

Alice, jenna and jake had decided not to go to college today on jay's special day to piss him off and yeah, they were successful. jay was pretty much angry on all of them. jake went over to his place while jenna and Alice were at home making some last minute preparations. the living room was fully decorated mostly by Alice. All jenna did was eat Alice's cookie dough ice cream and watched the 'girl go wars' season 3.

when all was done, Jake by much pursuance manged to bring jay to Alice's place. outside where jenna was encamping, saw jay's car and quickly went inside and shouted to Alice to bring the cake that Alice had made with a lot of love for jay but yet was simple on the outside. meanwhile Alice rushed to the kitchen, jenna switched off the lights and before Alice came in the living room jay had arrived and jenna had already called out 'SURPRISE' not wanting to miss the look on his face Alice ran outside but then she tripped over the decoration material and the cake was all over jay!


while Alice was embarrassed, jake and jenna were laughing their ass off.

''jay, i am so sorry. i ruined you day! please forgive me''

jay after a minute spoke

''who made this cake? it's delicious. haha don't worry, you have just made my day more memorable''

THAT SMILE. there it was again.dayyum!

control your self alice, control. But in that smile, there was no denial. that smile could end those wars and cure cancer. Alice had never seen that glow in jay's eye's , it was something magical, something fanatical, something mesmerizing, something that could stop the time and at the same time make you travel in time.

''i'll go and clean up''

''sure, come i'll lead the way''

Alice took jay in her room and gave him a towel and stepped out of the room

after a while jay came out all clean.

''jay i am truly sorry''

''haha no worries, just chill''

they went down and saw jake and jenna were gone with a note left behind saying

''hey you two, enjoy! we might as well not disturb. ahah. -love soon to be Mr and mrs.jake''

''hate them both'' Alice shouted

''haha they will pay'' jay said

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