DeVier 13

394 32 10

I felt like my heart had been ripped out watching Gemini's plane take off; imagine being the crown prince of the wealthiest country on this secret continent; not only that we were number one in; education, healthcare, food, and had the lowest crime rate.... we were the perfect nation and yet I couldn't love who I wanted. I couldn't wait until I was king because I would be making a lot of changes first on my list would be removing that draconian law that forbade two people of the same sex from marrying each other... times were changing and Oleria needed to move with the times or get left behind. I took a short ride back to my kingdom, being here.... it made me pretty sad because all I ever wanted was for this to go from mine to ours... ours being me and Gemini's.... I fuckin loved that dude, I don't think there were enough words to explain the grip that man had on my heart and the only thing stopping us from being together was a counsel of bitter old men who were stuck in their ways.... they wouldn't be alive too much longer though. Please don't take me for some type of psycho, I wasn't, I just wanted change.... there were so many young people in my kingdom who just wanted to be themselves but couldn't because of homophobia... I just wanted to make my country better and in order for that to happen the old needed to step aside......

"So how was your trip?" Waiting for me on the tarmac was my cousin and right-hand Drake. As my assistants grabbed my bag Drake gave me a knowing look. "You're glowing, so I take it you and Gemini rekindled that old flame that you've been holding on to since the moment you met him?" Drake asked quietly.

"I don't know what you're talking about.... Gemini wasn't even there." I lied but I knew Drake didn't believe a word I was saying but he also knew I wasn't the type to kiss and tell. "Anyways, what's on the schedule for today? I'm hoping it's nothing too crazy because if I'm being honest all I want to do is go home, get in my bed, and sleep for the next few weeks." I said stifling a yawn.

"Just a few meetings, including one with your father.... you know he's going to want a complete rundown of your trip. Other than that nothing too crazy but the biggest thing is preparing for the meeting with the other six leaders, though it's months away you know how tense those meetings can get and since this will be the first meeting where you'll be the king, you might wanna study up." Drake said but most of his words went over my head.

"I'll probably just send a couple of my clones, I'll meet with my dad because there are a few things I wanna discuss with him in person but everything else doesn't really seem that important." I said scrolling through my phone and stumbling across an old pic of me and Gemini.... damn this was taken when we were around sixteen, it was just us standing on the beach watching the sunset.

"There's a party later this week...." Drake said smiling coyly, I rolled my eyes because I had been to enough royal parties to last me a lifetime. "No... not one of those boring parties your dad throws, a real party in Naraka..." Drake said and I'll admit my interest was piqued. My country had a long history with Naraka, if Oleria was Heaven then Naraka was Hell... all sorts of things my country looks down on; sex, violence, drugs, and more sex.......

"Not saying that I want to go.... but hypothetically if I were to agree, we'd have to leave soon.... and sneaking into that country undetected is no small feat." I said smirking.

"You must've forgotten who I am and what I can do.... look just have a couple of your clones on standby.... I'll take care of the rest." Drake said smiling, I knew he was going to get me involved in all sorts of trouble but after the trip I just had I definitely needed some fun.

"I'll think about it... but no promises. Now, what have I missed?" I asked as Drake gave me the rundown of all the important business I needed to deal with, not even home fifteen minutes and my schedule was already booked. "Do I really need to pick out my suit for the coronation? I still got a few months, I really don't see what the rush is...." I said and Drake laughed.

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