Gemini 15

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I was happy to be back in America (how sad is that) but being here I felt much more freedom than I had back in Zeltemi. The tall, sexy, chocolate, big dick, werewolf that was sleeping in my bed may have been influencing me just a bit, Uziel shifted slightly causing the sheets to fall from his body... would it be too bold for me to start suckin his dick? Look at me, caring about being bold when the second I touched down I called Uziel and sent Blair on his way. Uziel grumbled in his sleep and I had changed my mind, suckin his dick wouldn't be good enough... I needed to ride that muthafucker. No... stop being a hoe Gemini, you can't have him thinking you're already sprung, but his dick was so pretty; long, thick, and juicy, the wild mane of hair that surrounded it.... Stop!!! I pulled my gaze away from Uziel and gathered a few things for my shower, if I was being honest I probably needed to soak in a bubble bath because I knew I was going to be sore for the next few days. I was about twenty seconds into my shower when I felt a presence looming over me, my knees almost buckled when he wrapped his arm around my waist and started suckin on my neck.... Uziel didn't say a word he grabbed the sponge and gently guided it across my chest.

"I'm glad you're back.... I was feenin and now that I got my daily fix, I'm trying to figure out how I'm going keep you intrigued outside the bedroom." Uziel said as he continued washing my body gently.

"If I remember correctly, there was the brief moment out on the balcony where we.... well you know what you did." I said smiling.

"Not like that... I mean, where am I going to take you out on dates, where we're going to go just to talk and really get to know each other.... Oh, and find a couple of places where we're definitely going to fuck because I need some of this daily." Uziel said smacking my ass.

"I don't know about DAILY, we'll need to get a couple of breaks in there somewhere." I said reaching down and grabbing his dick and there was something magical about watching it grow in my hands. "You wanna order breakfast or do you got somewhere to be?" I asked, trying my hardest not to sound pressed but I kinda wanted him to stay just a little bit longer.

"I wish I could stay but I gotta meet up with my brothers to discuss business..." Uziel said as if he was dreading this meeting. "Now that I think about it, that's not until later tonight... so I guess we can have a lil breakfast, even though it's well past noon...." Uziel said smiling.

"Well... since we got time to kill....." I said letting him turn me around and finish what we started last night...... "So you got two brothers and ALL of y'all are fire signs?" I asked shaking my head. "I know y'alls fights are crazy." I said laughing.

"Yeah, I'm a Leo... Chimere is a Sagittarius... and Tavierre is an Aries. And for the record, I have three brothers... no four. I just met my biological brother recently and my dad is in the process of adopting another son. So yeah... that's a lot of energy between dominant males." Uziel said as I rested my head on his well-defined chest. "What about your siblings?" Uziel asked.

"Germain is the perfect son, he was born to lead and people just love him... he's always looked out for me and never judged me for who I decide to love, he'll be a great k... Germain is destined for greatness." I said catching myself. "Genova... she's my heart, we use to get in so much trouble together, I think out of all of us, she the strongest and the most like my mom.... and Gaige, well he's young..." I said and that was literally all I was going to say on the matter.

"Gemini... a word please." Blair said from outside the door and I rolled my eyes knowing he wouldn't go away until we spoke. Uziel pointed to his phone and got up, I watched as he walked out on my balcony completely naked and started talking to someone I couldn't hear. "Sorry for the intrusion, but we'll your guest be staying for dinner?" Blair asked.

"No, he has to meet up with his brothers...." I said, I loved Blair like a father but sometimes he could be a little too overprotective. "Looks like it's just going to be us tonight.... lemme guess, some type of pasta?" I asked knowing Blair LOVED pasta of any kind.

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