Uziel 17

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Let's go back to everything that happened from the moment I left Gemini's to the moment I returned, bloodied and sore as fuck.... When I left, I had the biggest smile on my face, I couldn't help it and it went beyond the sex... it was Gemini's aura, his smile, his personality, and yes... it was definitely the sex. I was walking on sunshine and I didn't stop smiling until I pulled up to my house and found my ex standing outside my house arguing with my big brother.. Yeah, I didn't have time for this shyt, I wasn't trying to let anything or anyone ruin my good mood, so I pulled out of my parking spot and notice Chimere smirking while Parris shot daggers in my direction as I drove off. I decided to go grab something to eat because that would help me come up with a game plan on how I was going to deal with those two... What the fuck were they arguing about, to begin with? You know what, I really didn't care, Parris knew we weren't getting back together so as far as I was concerned, the ONLY thing we had to discuss was another post-breakup sneaky link... other than that, I was coo. I found a table outside and as I waited for my food my thoughts drifted to Gemini.... before I could get lost in my fantasy, my phone started ringing and once I saw who it was I decided to answer it.

"Wassup Chi?" I asked smirking because I knew he was probably pissed.

"You know that was foul as hell right? Anyways, Dad is back and well..... he's insisting that we come by the house to meet our new brother." Chimere said and I rolled my eyes, damn I couldn't even enjoy my meal. Whatever....

"Aight, I'll be there in about ten minutes.... are you driving or am I?" I asked calling over the waiter and getting my food to go. Once I pulled back up to my place, I let out a sigh of relief when I noticed Parris's car was gone and Chimere was standing outside waiting. "You wanna explain what that was about?" I asked as Chimere slid into the passenger seat.

"That nigga is annoying as fuck... poppin up like he owns the place and demanding that he speak to you. I tried to tell him that you weren't home but he wasn't trying to hear none of that... I guess I should be grateful because had he not shown up when he did me and Rento would've been......" Chimere's voice trailed off and I shook my head, those two.... "Anyways, you need to get your hoes in line... I'm already annoyed and it won't take nothing to set me off." Chimere said.

"I'll talk to Parris.... eventually. But what did dad say when he called?" I asked wanting to know what I was walking into beforehand.

"HE didn't say anything, just that he got home a few hours ago.... it was Tavi that was giving me all the gory details apparently this kid is a wild one..." Chimere said and I couldn't help but laugh, he couldn't be worse than me so I was prepared.... fun fact, I wasn't prepared.

We pulled up and it sounded like an active warzone, it looked even worse; windows were broken out, a couch was lodged in a tree, two of my dad's cars were flipped over, a section of the roof was missing, and there was smoke pouring from the house. I looked at Chimere and we hopped out to go make sure everything was okay, when we walked inside my dad was sitting in his chair completely unphased by all the chaos that was happening around him and I started to wonder if he was okay but my thoughts were directed towards the sound of yelling that was coming from the backyard.

"What the....." I said trying to make sense of the scene that was playing out in front of me. Tavierre was standing on one side of the pool with Azareyeh and on the other side was a kid who couldn't be no more than sixteen or seventeen... I watched as he reached into the burning grill, grab some red hot coals, and started chucking them at Tavi and Azareyeh who easily dodged them but still... "Umm... what is going on?" I asked.

"So where is this little...." Before Chimere could fully ask his question, he was smacked right between the eyes with one of the coals and I almost laughed until I saw how pissed Chimere was... I mean it couldn't have hurt and it was already healing but Chi was furious.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2024 ⏰

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