Early Mornings Pt.1

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New York



I stared dumbfounded at the last page of the book.

I couldn't believe it. she wrote a book about our whole relationship. from the first time we met, to the party, the first time we had sex, even the stunts we pulled in class and at lunch. everything was in detail. Deep detail.

How could she write a book about us and not say anything to me. she had time to write a fucking book but not enough to call or email me?!

Don't I deserve that much! the book is about me, even though she changed a couple names. Jessica. it was obvious that i was Jessica, and loren was Mya. She changed Brielle and Asia's names to Brittany and Keisha. Gianna and Tayvion to Gabby and Trey and Deja was Deanna.

Ugh! the whole thing pissed me off!

"That book must be good Ma'am" one the flight attendants said to me. I looked up from the book and smiled. I closed it.


"well we are disembarking the plane. We landed in New York 10 minutes ago" she smiled politely.

i looked around noticing that I was the only one left of the plane.
I looked back at the Attendant.
I was embarrassed. "thank you, I'll just get my stuff"

"take your time" she said before walking away.

I had took up enough time reading that damn book! I was now irritated, annoyed, pissed and tired. Ugh! when I see loren I'm gonna! ion know what im gonna do.


it was about 7:20 am when plopped down on my hotel bed.
I thought about calling Chloe but its Saturday she won't be up for another hour. then my mind shifted to Loura. she would be up, she has ball practice at 8. I dialed her number and waited for an answer.

"Hello!?" loura answered busily.

"wassup ruggrat"

"hey Jas, and nothing. I can't find my practice shoes, I overslept and I didn't eat yet, IM GONNA BE LATE!" she stressed.

I chuckled.

"Calm down. Chill and.."

"take 3 breaths. I know" she sighed, calming her self.

"Good, check under the table by the front door, you tend to kick off your shoes there" I said.

"Shit your right!" she exclaimed.

"what I told you about that cursing Loura?"

"yeen my daddy Jasmine. shut up" she said giggling. I rolled my eyes .

"iight I found em, thanks"

"no problem."

"iight Check it. its 7:23, I gotta be at practice 15 minutes before we get on the base line. so at 7:45. I gt like 20 minutes to eat, what do I eat Jas ima throw up if I eat Moms breakfast now" she panicked.

"um, eat an apple and drink milk and lots of water. but remember to eat after practice loura"

"hell I'm not gon forget to eat I love food with all my heart" she laughed. I laughed a long with her.

"but look sis, I'm in New York"

"The fuck!? really, and yeen tell me Jasmine! "

"I'm telling you now!"

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