Early Mornings Pt.2

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(An: wattpad is acting up. and won't let me write anymore than 1,848 words so ima continue the last chapter here. SORRY!)

-Loura in Media-


"Loren, and no problem" I smiled and shock his hand, he pulled me into a hug. I was shocked but I hugged back quickly and we released

"daddy can I get ice cream now!?' Blue begged.

I giggled.

"No Blue, I don't have my wallet and its to early!" Jason refused.

"please daddy!"she begged. he gave her this look. causing her to shut up but pout.

"um it's never to early for icecream" I butted in. he looked at me confused as if I was out of place interfering his parenting skills.

"on Me ofcourse" I added.

"you don't have to do that Loren. she does-"

"I insist. she is a smart and polite girl. and I would love to get to know her better." I smiled.
he looked at me for a moment. then nodded.

"alright. I guess your getting ice cream Blue"

"YES!!" she exclaimed . I giggled she grabbed my hand with her free hand and we started to walk down the street, towards Baskin Robbins.




I stood in the Hotels Lobby , at the front desk.

"Good Morning, do you guys happen to have any maps of the city that I can use?" I asked the Concierge ,her Badge read 'Toya'

"Good Morning" she smiled friendly. "and we sure do, give me a second and I'll go and grab you one" she added.

"thank you" I smiled. she then walked away from the desk. I leaned up against the counter and look through the glass window and doors of the hotel.

people walked busily up and down the streets, no one stood still. well almost no one.

I squinted my eyes, as I tried to make out the 2 people that stood in front of the hotel, a woman and a little girl.
I stepped closer towards the door. I got a glimpse of the lady's face.

"nahh Jasmine" I said to my self and blink a few times, it was her. Loren. I didn't know how to feel at the moment.

my feet where glued to the floor , i was stunned.

She was beautiful, Gorgeous. after all these years, she was still perfect. my heart flattered inside my chest. I just wish my legs would move!

my eyes shifted to the little girls who's hand loren was holding. she was also beautiful.

Brown skin, beautiful hair, pulled back into a huge puffy pony tail. she looked no older than five.

that couldn't be her daughter? could it?She couldn't have started a family. With out Me.
Whos kid is that?

Soon all my question appeared to be answered. the little girl ran up to a man who picked her up and hugged her. They looked happy to see each other. he put the girl down and said something to Loren.

They hugged. I watched dumbfounded. my eyes started to fill up with water.

She had a kid, and a man, how was I going to compete with that.

They walked away hand in hand. like a big happy family. while I stood here in tears, my heart laid out on the floor with multiple foot prints imbedded.

Why the hell did I come here. What was I expecting? Its been Years!

"excuse me. Ma'am" Toya called me, I turned around and started to wipe my tears away.

"yes" I sniffed.

"are you okay" she frowned. I nodded as she handed me the map.
"Thanks" I said sadly and walked towards the elevator.

I wanted to go back to sleep. I wanted to go back home, to my Fiance, and start a family with her and maybe write a book. Loren didn't seem to have a hard time doing that.

~Hope ya liked it!!

~Loura is older now huh, how do you think she will turn out.

~Tay and Gianna has a thing?

~Do you think Jasmine will go home.

~How do you feel about Jasmine assuming that Loren has started a family?

(An: i know you all want to see Bri and Aisa's POV more often , but this book is about Loren and Jasmine. but I want to know if y'all would be okay with me writing about about Bri and Asia's Relationship. you know after the 7 years. LEMME KNOW)


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