Chaos, Classmates, Potatoe, Potato

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The "dorm" room that Manual left Miyo in was quite comfortable; well, the small amount of sleep he had gotten during the night had been amazing, but the staring at the ceiling for several hours after his phone had died and was charging had been the opposite.

So, as he gets dressed into workout clothes, Manual had told Miyo and Iida to meet him in the training room; he showed them both yesterday at 9 a.m. Miyo is feeling excited for the day—surprising, right? He still needs his morning cup of coffee, though; his eyes are feeling a bit droopy, and his arms are heavy as he tugs at the sleeves of the hoodie tied around his waist.

Ao, once again, is still asleep on Miyo's head. Miyo plans on leaving the ghost asleep until after he finishes his breakfast; he doesn't have enough energy to try and control Ao while eating.

He slips his phone into his sweatpants pocket, along with some money, just in case he needs to pay in the cafeteria, where Manual said he and Iida should go for meals for the week, but the man hadn't mentioned whether or not they needed to pay for the food.

As he stumbles out of his room, Miyo sticks to the walls to avoid colliding with anyone and eventually arrives at the cafeteria. It's... loud, and Ao grumbles unhappily at the sheer volume of all the people around them as Miyo makes his way in the medium-sized line for food.

Within minutes he's sat down at a table that's tucked away from most of the noise, drinking a lovely cup of coffee that manages to wake him up partially.

He didn't need to pay for his food, thankfully, so along with his coffee, he took a pear, a small bowl of porridge, and one adorable gingerbread cookie that he bought from a small stand that was raising money for some sort of charity.

Miyo doesn't know which charity it was for, but he does know that gingerbread cookies are now one of his all time favourite treats, even if it isn't anywhere near Christmas yet.

A tray is placed on the table in front of him with a clank, he glances up from his meal, it's Iida, who seriously looks like he might pass out at any moment. The teen has eye-bags that could rival his own, though the other teen has visibly tried to cover said eye-bags with some type of make-up. It's a poor effort, if Miyo's being honest.

Meh, he isn't responsible for Iida's sleeping schedule. The other boy can sort himself out.

Looking at the time on his phone, Miyo finds that it's only ten minutes until he and his classmate are meant to meet up with Manual. Stuffing the last of his cookie into his mouth, Miyo stands from the table, glances down to make sure Iida is finished eating, and once he's sure the other is finished, he grabs Iida by the back of his t-shirt and hauls the other with him out of the cafeteria and all the way to the training room.

Iida chastises Miyo the entire walk, kicking and screaming like a toddler; sidekicks passing by laugh at the two of them, but Miyo couldn't care less; he just wants Iida to stop screeching at him.

The other boy keeps making pointless comments, and Miyo can feel his temper getting higher. As they approach the training room, Miyo drops Iida, who slumps pathetically to the floor. Miyo inhales deeply to compose himself before glaring down at Iida.

Miyo turns around and enters the training room, saying,
"Stop wasting our time, you can sort yourself out," but not before he watches Iida get up from where he is seated on the floor and muttering something to himself.


The door slams shut with a thud. Miyo looks around the room and finds Manual stretching to the left, a few sidekicks sparring to the right, and several more people rehydrating with their own water bottles while moving toward the door. Without even trying to hide his excitement, Miyo strides across the room to greet Manual.

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