Chapter 4 - Downtime

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Bilak was recovering from his wounds but was still leading Phoenix Company. In his absence, Eclipse Squad took over for operations in the territory for equipment retrieval to pick up where he left off.

He went through the intel about Verdansk to see if the way they operated was similar. Unfortunately, they are not even close to how they were in Verdansk. They are like a full on military force. It's like they aren't even the same group. Night vision, BTRs, armored trucks with mounted guns, attack helicopters. The only thing that is similar is the Little Bird helicopters that they have to transport their troops into the battle.

"Got anything on them yet?" His second in command Codename: Spector would lean against the frame of the door as he spoke to Bilak.

"Nothing yet. The only thing I could find are things we already know. Highly active presence throughout the region, high technology possibly near pear in performance, Operators everywhere, pockets of radiation moving in and out of the area. We were lucky to even get a chance to slip into this mess." Bilak responded in stress and annoyance.

"What about the intel you and Nova Two recovered from the Observatory?" Spector asked him.

"Not much in the way of very valuable intel. All we got from it was a massive portion of the forces stay between the Observatory, the village at the bottom of the mountain, and the cave system a short distance away from the Observatory." Bilak responded as he kept thinking of how to plan operations going forward.

"the Hard drives and Flash drives?" Spector responded

"Some of the drives are encrypted and are still sorting out the items of the drives. If there is any useful data then I will automatically get an update with any new and relevant information." Bilak said as he looked through their weapon inventory list.

"So is there anything else other than that for what I need to know?" Spector asked.

"No, but did we get that shipment of modified M13Bs I requested a while ago?" Bilak asked.

"Yes sir, I believe we did earlier today." Spector answered his question.

"I would like to see them and receivea demonstration." Bilak said as he was intrigued to see if they had gone through with his modifications or cut corners to save time.

(15 minutes later)
Bilak looked at the modifications that was done to the M13B or the Chimera as they had coined the name for this modification.
As he requested, the weapon was chambered in .300 Blackout, had a integrated suppressor and the size was on par with a submachine gun for tight corners as the purpose for these modifications was for quick hit and run tactics or very quiet equipment sabotage.

"Are they to your liking sir?" Spector asked him.

"They are exactly what I asked for. I have a few operations planned with a few of these. Interesting name that they have already come up with for this thing." Bilak responded.

"Sorry for being a bit skeptical but is there a particular reason for your preference of these modifications?" He was confused as to why they needed such a modification.

"Back in my time in Verdansk, I used the M13 model instead of the B variant that is available now. That version was in .556 and had a blistering file rate with very smooth recoil to handle. It also could take a integrated suppressor. I had a preference for something was was easier to use in close quarters and covert operations. So I decided to try to covert the B variants into something a little more useful. Now our covert units can sneak behind enemy lines without having to worry about long bulky suppressors." Bilak explained.

"So what is the plan for our next operation?" Spector asked as he was prepared to get back into the fight.

"Give me some time to go over the rest of the intel on the hard drives and I will plan something. We will retaliate after what happened to me earlier." Bilak said as he was eager to get back into the fight too but he was thinking a bit more cautiously this time hoping to not repeat the same mistakes as last time.

(That's all this time. Thank you so much for the support so far and I hope to get another chapter to you next week! Hope you enjoyed and see you in the next chapter of our journey in AL Mazrah.)

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