Chapter 6 - Orion

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While most of Phoenix Company was working in AL Mazrah, Orion Squad was on a seperate mission of their own to operate in the area of a prison that had run into chaos that was far from AL Mazrah. There were massive amounts of supplies in the area and their mission was to clear the area and bring some supplies home. The mission is supposed to be a hit and run kind of mission.

It was nearing sundown and Orion Squad would be loading their weapons and making sure their gear was ready. Their team consisted of six members with them operating under the General closely since Verdansk. The leader of Orion Squad was known as Alpha AKA Shane, he had served along side Bilak since the later half of the Verdansk Campaign. He would quickly prove his skill and rise the ranks to be one of his top operators in the field. His stealth was unmatched and not even Bilak could match his crafty ability to come out on top in even the worst of situations. He would look out towards the water that had surrounded the area and small scattered bits of land in the seemingly flooded area around this prison from a far distance.

"When you reach the infil point, we can't stick around to help you out. We will head back to base and refuel while your team gathers up supplies and we will come back to pick you up by morning. Remember what we need; weapons, ammo, flares, and grenades. Once you get what you came for reach the roof of the construction site and fire a flare once you hear our voices in the radio. That would mean we are in the area. Alright we are getting close to the infil point." The Co Pilot of the helicopter spoke to the team in the radio as they were preparing to enter the area.

Alpha looked out the side of the helicopter and saw a terrible sight. Buildings looking run down and empty and gunshots could be heard throughout. Boats were flipped over and on the shore with most of the area being flooded or in constant chaos due to the factions in the area. After a short time there would be loud booms as the helicopter starting taking anti aircraft fire and a explosion on the outside of the helicopter would cause it to start spinning out.

"Damn it. Phoenix Actual, this is Viper 1-1, my wingman is down and I lost control of instruments. We are going down near the infil site and taking heavy fire anti air. Orion Squad is still in tow." The Co Pilot said into the radio as he struggled to keep control of the helicopter. it was getting close to the ground and Orion Squad was gripping their seats tight as the force of the helicopter spinning is nearing sending them flying out.

"Brace for impact!" Alpha would yell as the helicopter smacked the ground hard and Alpha fell out of the helicopter into a bit of water before hitting some grass. His radio had flung off his chest during the tumble out of the helicopter. He would be out shortly afterward.

A few hours later, Alpha would wake up again and crawl towards a small shed and lean against it with him losing his M4A1 in the crash and having only his pistol, knife, and a few hand grenades. It was night and mostly dark, the only thing that illumated the area was the small amounts of moon light and the fire of the helicopter. He would look up from the ground to see his squad only having two remaining members alive fighting against the many scavengers trying to take the equipment from the helicopter crash. As he attempted to rush over, he saw the two remaining squadmates get shot from all sides and they fell to the ground quickly before dying. Alpha had no choice but to hide and find a way to get out of the area. He would move away from the area and hide in a abandoned apartment complex on the other side of the small island and reach one of the top floors. He would collapse against a wall and check his ammo. He had 4 mags for his pistol and 6 for his M4 that he no longer had on him.

As he was in a small room with chairs flipped over and the windows broken, he could hear loud gunshots still ringing out in the distance as he passed out from exhaustion due to being flung out the chopper. While he passed out there was only one thing that went through his mind. "How am I going to get out of here?"

(This is not a continuation of the previous chapters. this is a seperate event the happens at the same time as chapter 5. These will continue along side the main chapters. I hope you enjoyed this chapter of the story and will see in the next chapter of this great story.)

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